Changelog for the runtimes governed by the Polkadot Fellowship.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
[1.1.1] 25.01.2024
- Fixed the lowering of Asset Hub existential deposits (polkadot-fellows/runtimes#158).
Runtime info
These runtimes were built with rustc 1.74.0 (79e9716c9 2023-11-13) using srtool v0.13.0
To replicate the build, use the following command:
Asset Hub Polkadot (previously Statemint)
🏋️ Runtime Size: 887.39Ki (908678 bytes)
🗜 Compressed: Yes: 75.96%
🔥 Core Version: statemint-1001001 statemint-0.tx14.au1
🎁 Metadata version: V14
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash: 0x08d1fbbc778b61ccb1b5d52b28578686071ea81536ef9d406e5e13dbdb82ba35
📦 IPFS: QmPX97yFHdSxUhb6eosAxjBbZtMT5zMR1UJVfqJz2J5f49
Asset Hub Kusama (previously Statemine)
🏋️ Runtime Size: 934.29Ki (956703 bytes)
🗜 Compressed: Yes: 76.42%
🔥 Core Version: statemine-1001001 statemine-0.tx14.au1
🎁 Metadata version: V14
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash: 0xde54e811771e918ed38cf7eb506afa0a148b330a39f46136035a12a277b99d90
📦 IPFS: QmV5gWuf3L6wu3SeRMXMHDWvmUmgRERYvR2krvrL8wpo21