github pola-rs/polars py-1.0.0
Python Polars 1.0.0

latest release: rs-0.41.3
2 days ago

This is the first major release for Python Polars. Please check out the upgrade guide for help navigating the breaking changes when upgrading to this version.

💥 Breaking changes

  • Change default engine for read_excel to "calamine" (#17263)
  • Implement binary serialization of LazyFrame/DataFrame/Expr and set it as the default format (#17223)
  • Streamline optional dependency definitions in pyproject.toml (#17168)
  • Update read/scan_parquet to disable Hive partitioning by default for file inputs (#17106)
  • Split replace functionality into two separate methods (#16921)
  • Default to writing binview data to IPC, mark compression argument as keyword-only (#17084)
  • Remove re-export of type aliases (#17032)
  • Rename ModuleUpgradeRequired and PolarsPanicError error, remove InvalidAssert error (#17033)
  • Change data orientation inference logic for DataFrame construction and warn when row orientation is inferred (#16976)
  • Properly apply strict parameter in Series constructor (#16939)
  • Remove supertype definition of List and non-List types (#16918)
  • Consistently convert to given time zone in Series constructor (#16828)
  • Update reshape to return Array types instead of List types (#16825)
  • Default to raising on out-of-bounds indices in all get/gather operations (#16841)
  • Native selector XOR set operation, guarantee consistent selector column-order (#16833)
  • Set infer_schema_length as keyword-only argument in str.json_decode (#16835)
  • Update set_sorted to only accept a single column (#16800)
  • Remove deprecated parameters in Series.cut/qcut and update struct field names (#16741)
  • Expedited removal of certain deprecated functionality (#16754)
  • Update some error types to more appropriate variants (#15030)
  • Scheduled removal of deprecated functionality (#16715)
  • Change default offset in group_by_dynamic from 'negative every' to 'zero' (#16658)
  • Constrain access to globals from DataFrame.sql in favor of top-level pl.sql (#16598)
  • Read 2D NumPy arrays as Array type instead of List (#16710)
  • Update clip to no longer propagate nulls in the given bounds (#14413)
  • Change str.to_datetime to default to microsecond precision for format specifiers "%f" and "%.f" (#13597)
  • Update resulting column names in pivot when pivoting by multiple values (#16439)
  • Preserve nulls in ewm_mean, ewm_std, and ewm_var (#15503)
  • Restrict casting for temporal data types (#14142)
  • Support Decimal types by default when converting from Arrow (#15324)
  • Remove serde functionality from pl.read_json and DataFrame.write_json (#16550)
  • Update function signature of nth to allow positional input of indices, remove columns parameter (#16510)
  • Rename struct fields of rle output to len/value and update data type of len field (#15249)
  • Remove class variables from some DataTypes (#16524)
  • Add check_names parameter to Series.equals and default to False (#16610)

⚠️ Deprecations

  • Deprecate LazyFrame.fetch (#17278)
  • Deprecate size parameter in parametric testing strategies in favor of min_size/max_size (#17128)
  • Split replace functionality into two separate methods (#16921)
  • Rename DataFrame.melt to unpivot and make parameters consistent with pivot (#17095)
  • Remove re-export of exceptions at top-level (#17059)
  • Deprecate dt.mean/dt.median in favor of mean/median (#16888)
  • Deprecate LazyFrame.with_context in favor of horizontal concatenation (#16860)
  • Rename parameter descending to reverse in top_k methods (#16817)
  • Rename str.concat to str.join and update default delimiter (#16790)
  • Deprecate arctan2d in favor of arctan2(...).degrees() (#16786)

🚀 Performance improvements

  • Rechunk before group_by `iteration (#17302)
  • Improve unique performance by adding RangedUniqueKernel for primitive arrays (#17166)
  • Improve unique performance by creating UniqueKernel and improve bool implementation (#17160)
  • Default to writing binview data to IPC, mark compression argument as keyword-only (#17084)
  • Parallelize arrow conversion if binview -> large_bin (#17083)
  • Garbage collect buffers in if-then-else view kernel (#16993)
  • Desugar AND filter into multiple nodes (#16992)
  • Optimize generic arg_sort of row-encoding (#16894)
  • Improve rle_id iteration performance and set sorted flags (#16893)
  • Optimize sort for String and Binary types (#16871)
  • Use split_at in split (#16865)
  • Use split_at instead of double slice in chunk splits. (#16856)
  • Don't rechunk in align_ if arrays are aligned (#16850)
  • Don't create small chunks in parallel collect. (#16845)
  • Add dedicated no-null branch in arg_sort (#16808)
  • Speed up dt.offset_by 2x for constant durations (#16728)
  • Toggle coalesce in join if non-coalesced key isn't projected (#16677)
  • Make dt.truncate 1.5x faster when every is just a single duration (and not an expression) (#16666)
  • Always prune unused columns in semi/anti join (#16665)

✨ Enhancements

  • Add SQL support for NATURAL joins and the COLUMNS function (#17295)
  • Add str.extract_many expression (#17304)
  • Change default engine for read_excel to "calamine" (#17263)
  • Deprecate LazyFrame.fetch (#17278)
  • Support '%' in pathnames for async scan (#17271)
  • Support SQL Struct/JSON field access operators (#17226)
  • Exclude directories from glob expansion result (#17174)
  • Support SQL ORDER BY ALL syntax (#17212)
  • Support PostgreSQL ^@ ("starts with"), and ~~,~~*,!~~,!~~* ("like", "ilike") string-matching operators (#17251)
  • Support SQL SELECT * ILIKE wildcard syntax (#17169)
  • Support SQL temporal functions STRFTIME and STRPTIME, and typed literal syntax (#17245)
  • Support date/datetime for hive parts (#17256)
  • Implement binary serialization of LazyFrame/DataFrame/Expr and set it as the default format (#17223)
  • Allow no-op round/ceil/floor on integer types (#17241)
  • Support loading from datasets where the hive columns are also stored in the file (#17203)
  • Implement serde for Null columns (#17218)
  • Support Decimal types in write_csv/write_json (#14209)
  • Add optional "default" to get_column DataFrame method (#17176)
  • Improve SQL support for array indexing, increase test coverage (#16972)
  • Support reading byte stream split encoded floats and doubles in parquet (#17099)
  • Add float_scientific option to write_csv/sink_csv (#17111)
  • Support Struct field selection in the SQL engine, RENAME and REPLACE select wildcard options (#17109)
  • Update DataFrame.pivot to allow index=None when values is set (#17126)
  • Update read/scan_parquet to disable Hive partitioning by default for file inputs (#17106)
  • Improve ipython autocomplete for LazyFrame and DataFrame (#17091)
  • Split replace functionality into two separate methods (#16921)
  • Improve schema inference for hive partitions (#17079)
  • Rename DataFrame.melt to unpivot and make parameters consistent with pivot (#17095)
  • Print row index in explain and show_graph (#17074)
  • Support top-level pl.col autocompletion for iPython (#17080)
  • Remove re-export of exceptions at top-level (#17059)
  • Implement predicate and projection pushdown for read_ndjson (#17068)
  • Allow (non-)coalescing in join_asof (#17066)
  • Turn of coalescing and fix mutation of join on expressions (#17061)
  • Expand NDJson glob into one SCAN (#17063)
  • Do not parse hive partitions from user provided base directory path (#17055)
  • Support directory paths in scans for Parquet, IPC and CSV (#17017)
  • Implement general array equality checks (#17043)
  • Add strict parameter to DataFrame/LazyFrame.drop and fix behavior to default to True (#17044)
  • Rename ModuleUpgradeRequired and PolarsPanicError error, remove InvalidAssert error (#17033)
  • Add rechunk parameter to read_delta (#16991)
  • allow experimental metadata use on release (#17005)
  • Add simple version of json_normalize (#17015)
  • Change data orientation inference logic for DataFrame construction and warn when row orientation is inferred (#16976)
  • Desugar AND filter into multiple nodes (#16992)
  • Handle textio even if not correct (#16971)
  • Properly apply strict parameter in Series constructor (#16939)
  • Add SQL support for INTERSECT and EXCEPT ops (#16960)
  • Add PerformanceWarning to LazyFrame properties (#16964)
  • Add collect_schema method to LazyFrame and DataFrame (#16929)
  • Allow setting file cache TTL on a per-file basis (#16891)
  • Support Decimal inputs for lit (#16950)
  • Implement multiply and division for lhs duration (#16948)
  • Raise on invalid temporal arithmetic (#16934)
  • Always end with a in-memory sink on collect (#16928)
  • Add namespace (#16809)
  • Add Schema class (#16873)
  • Normalize value_counts (#16917)
  • Implement equality for more Array types (#16902)
  • Set up some of the infrastructure for new streaming engine (#16900)
  • Cache downloaded cloud IPC files (#16892)
  • Consistently convert to given time zone in Series constructor (#16828)
  • Improve read_csv SQL table reading function defaults (better handle dates) (#16866)
  • Support SQL VALUES clause and inline renaming of columns in CTE & derived table definitions (#16851)
  • Support Python Enum values in lit (#16858)
  • Convert to given time zone in .str.to_datetime when values are offset-aware (#16742)
  • Update reshape to return Array types instead of List types (#16825)
  • Default to raising on out-of-bounds indices in all get/gather operations (#16841)
  • Support SQL "SELECT" with no tables, optimise registration of globals (#16836)
  • Native selector XOR set operation, guarantee consistent selector column-order (#16833)
  • Extend recognised EXTRACT and DATE_PART SQL part abbreviations (#16767)
  • Improve error message when raising integers to negative integers, improve docs (#16827)
  • Return datetime for mean/median of Date colum (#16795)
  • Update set_sorted to only accept a single column (#16800)
  • Expose overflowing cast (#16805)
  • Update group_by iteration and partition_by to always return tuple keys (#16793)
  • Support array arithmetic for equally sized shapes (#16791)
  • Expedited removal of certain deprecated functionality (2) (#16779)
  • Removal of read_database_uri passthrough from read_database (#16783)
  • Remove pyxlsb engine from read_excel (#16784)
  • Add check_order parameter to assert_series_equal (#16778)
  • Enforce deprecation of keyword arguments as positional (#16755)
  • Support cloud storage in scan_csv (#16674)
  • Streamline SQL INTERVAL handling and improve related error messages, update sqlparser-rs lib (#16744)
  • Support use of ordinal values in SQL ORDER BY clause (#16745)
  • Support executing polars SQL against pandas and pyarrow objects (#16746)
  • Remove deprecated parameters in Series.cut/qcut and update struct field names (#16741)
  • Expedited removal of certain deprecated functionality (#16754)
  • Remove deprecated functionality from rolling methods (#16750)
  • Update date_range to no longer produce datetime ranges (#16734)
  • Mark min_periods as keyword-only for rolling methods (#16738)
  • Remove deprecated top_k parameters nulls_last, maintain_order, and multithreaded (#16599)
  • Support order-by in window functions (#16743)
  • Add SQL support for NULLS FIRST/LAST ordering (#16711)
  • Update some error types to more appropriate variants (#15030)
  • Initial SQL support for INTERVAL strings (#16732)
  • Scheduled removal of deprecated functionality (2) (#16724)
  • Scheduled removal of deprecated functionality (#16715)
  • Enforce deprecation of offset arg in truncate and round (#16655)
  • Change default offset in group_by_dynamic from 'negative every' to 'zero' (#16658)
  • Constrain access to globals from DataFrame.sql in favor of top-level pl.sql (#16598)
  • Read 2D NumPy arrays as Array type instead of List (#16710)
  • Update clip to no longer propagate nulls in the given bounds (#14413)
  • Change str.to_datetime to default to microsecond precision for format specifiers "%f" and "%.f" (#13597)
  • Update resulting column names in pivot when pivoting by multiple values (#16439)
  • Preserve nulls in ewm_mean, ewm_std, and ewm_var (#15503)
  • Restrict casting for temporal data types (#14142)
  • Add many more auto-inferable datetime formats for str.to_datetime (#16634)
  • Support Decimal types by default when converting from Arrow (#15324)
  • Remove serde functionality from pl.read_json and DataFrame.write_json (#16550)
  • Update function signature of nth to allow positional input of indices, remove columns parameter (#16510)
  • Rename struct fields of rle output to len/value and update data type of len field (#15249)
  • Remove class variables from some DataTypes (#16524)
  • Add check_names parameter to Series.equals and default to False (#16610)
  • Dedicated SQLInterface and SQLSyntax errors (#16635)
  • Add DIV function support to the SQL interface (#16678)
  • Support non-coalescing streaming left join (#16672)
  • Allow wildcard and exclude before struct expansions (#16671)

🐞 Bug fixes

  • Raise on invalid shape dataframe arithmetic (#17322)
  • Fix panic in window case (#17320)
  • Raise errors instead of panicking when sink_csv fails (#17313)
  • Raise if join keys are passed to cross join (#17305)
  • Ensure we don't close extant adbc connections in write_database (#17298)
  • Don't null on oob in list.get for column index (#17276)
  • Fix issue where sliced PyArrow record batches were not handled correctly (#17058)
  • Don't oob on nulls in list.get (#17262)
  • Fix list getter with nulls (#17261)
  • Respect nulls_last parameter in aggregate sort_by (#17249)
  • Fix literal slice in group by (#17242)
  • Fix DataFrame.top_k not handling nulls correctly (#17239)
  • Update implementation of Enum support in lit to address spurious test failure (#17187)
  • Use explicit turbofish to help rustc (#17159)
  • Raise on invalid set dtypes (#17157)
  • Fix corrupted reads for hive parts from cloud and projection pushdown failure on hive parts (#17152)
  • Set intersection supertype (#17154)
  • ChainedWhen should not inherit Expr (#17142)
  • Fix decompress_impl for csv with n_rows set (#17118)
  • Fix incorrect window std for chunked series (#17110)
  • Fix panic when using fold in certain situations (#17114)
  • Fix melt panic (#17088)
  • Fix expression autocomplete in IPython (#17072)
  • Exclude index from expansion in rolling/group_by_dynamic (#17086)
  • Update some Series dunder method type signatures (#17053)
  • Fix oob of join with literals and empty table (#17047)
  • Don't silently accept multi-table FROM clauses (implicit JOIN syntax) (#17028)
  • Don't split up ANDed filters that are group-aware (#17031)
  • Harden "async" check for users with out-of-date sqlalchemy libraries (#17029)
  • Error when sort_by of unequal length (#17026)
  • Properly catch not found explode cols (#17020)
  • Correctly convert data frames to NumPy for C index order (#17000)
  • Raise on invalid arithmetic shapes (#16986)
  • Don't pushdown predicates in cross join if the refer to both tables (#16983)
  • Fix projection pushdown with literal joins (#16981)
  • Fix edge case in DataFrame constructor data orientation inference (#16975)
  • Raise on list of objects (#16959)
  • Handle strictness for Decimal Series construction (#15309)
  • Don't panic in object to anyvalue (#16957)
  • Properly set FAST_EXPLODE_LIST metadata (#16951)
  • Raise informative error when writing object to file (#16954)
  • Remove supertype definition of List and non-List types (#16918)
  • Remove unwrap in extend() (#16890)
  • Fix should_rechunk check (#16852)
  • Ensure read_excel and read_ods return identical frames across all engines when given empty spreadsheet tables (#16802)
  • Consistent behaviour when "infer_schema_length=0" for read_excel (#16840)
  • Standardised additional SQL interface errors (#16829)
  • Ensure that splitted ChunkedArray also flattens chunks (#16837)
  • Reduce needless panics in comparisons (#16831)
  • Reset if next caller clones inner series (#16812)
  • Raise on non-positive json schema inference (#16770)
  • Rewrite implementation of top_k/bottom_k and fix a variety of bugs (#16804)
  • Fix comparison of UInt64 with zero (#16799)
  • Fix incorrect parquet statistics written for UInt64 values > Int64::MAX (#16766)
  • Fix boolean distinct (#16765)
  • DATE_PART SQL syntax/parsing, improve some error messages (#16761)
  • Include pl. qualifier for inner dtypes in to_init_repr (#16235)
  • Column selection wasn't applied when reading CSV with no rows (#16739)
  • Panic on empty df / null List(Categorical) (#16730)
  • Only flush if operator can flush in streaming outer join (#16723)
  • Raise unsupported cat array (#16717)
  • Assert SQLInterfaceError is raised (#16713)
  • Restrict casting for temporal data types (#14142)
  • Handle nested categoricals in assert_series_equal when categorical_as_str=True (#16700)
  • Improve read_database check for SQLAlchemy async Session objects (#16680)
  • Reduce scope of multi-threaded numpy conversion (#16686)
  • Full null on dyn int (#16679)
  • Fix filter shape on empty null (#16670)

📖 Documentation

  • Update version switcher for 1.0.0 final release (#16848)
  • Finish upgrade guide for 1.0.0 (#17257)
  • Minor layout/terminology improvement for selector set ops (#17299)
  • Mark hypothesis testing functionality as unstable (#17258)
  • Add SQL docs for the CAST and TRY_CAST functions (#17214)
  • Mark plot namespace as unstable (#17205)
  • Bump docs dependencies (#17199)
  • More accurate and helpful docs for user defined functions (#15194)
  • Add doc examples to concat_list (#17127)
  • Add "coming from pandas" note to DataFrame.unique docstring (#17119)
  • Fix some warnings during doc build (#17077)
  • Properly expose InProcessQuery in docs, mark as unstable (#17097)
  • Add upgrade guide for Python Polars 1.0.0 (#16914)
  • Lots of additions to the SQL reference docs (#16990)
  • Minor doctest fixes (#17002)
  • Include a doc entry for every exception type (#17001)
  • Fixup bullet points in write_parquet docstring (#16909)
  • Update version switcher for 1.0.0 prereleases (#16847)
  • Update link from Python API reference to user guide (#16849)
  • Update docstring/test/etc usage of select and with_columns to idiomatic form (#16801)
  • Update versioning docs for 1.0.0 (#16757)
  • Add docstring example for DataFrame.limit (#16753)
  • Fix incorrect stated value of include_nulls in DataFrame.update docstring (#16701)
  • Update deprecation docs in the user guide (#14315)
  • Add example for index count in DataFrame.rolling (#16600)
  • Improve docstring of Expr/Series.map_elements (#16079)
  • Add missing polars.sql docs entry and small docstring update (#16656)

📦 Build system

  • Update Cargo.lock (#17284)
  • Streamline optional dependency definitions in pyproject.toml (#17168)
  • Update rustc 2024-06-23 (#17135)
  • Do not set environment variable on import (#17101)
  • Fix config flag for Tracemalloc (#17098)
  • Pin optional NumPy dependency to < 2.0.0 for now (#17060)

🛠️ Other improvements

  • Fix typo in join validation error message (#17296)
  • Fix linting issue in docs (#17292)
  • Use typed iter in list.get (#17286)
  • Rename type_aliases module to _typing (#17282)
  • add ability to have pipeline blockers in new streaming engine (#17247)
  • Support date/datetime for hive parts (#17256)
  • Refactor serde tests, add hypothesis tests (#17216)
  • Refactor parsing of data type inputs to Polars data types (#17164)
  • Skip all moto AWS tests for now (#17178)
  • Add missing spaces in cargo.toml (#17145)
  • Minor test refactor for concat_list (#17120)
  • Remove re-export of data type groups (#17073)
  • Add pivot test #17081 (#17090)
  • Minor cleanup to better define boundaries of public API (#17051)
  • Support directory paths in scans for Parquet, IPC and CSV (#17017)
  • Remove re-export of type aliases (#17032)
  • Remove file cache test (#17038)
  • Update exception imports in test suite (#17035)
  • Point polars-stream to crates/ again (#17024)
  • Fix failing file cache test in CI (#17014)
  • Add some parametric tests for sort functionality (#17008)
  • Pin NumPy to <2.0 for now (#16999)
  • Use proper join type in test (#16994)
  • Fix file cache verbose logging leakage during pytest (#16984)
  • Skip another intermitently failing AWS test (#16980)
  • Update test suite to explicitly use orient="row" in DataFrame constructor when applicable (#16977)
  • Remove redundant projection attribute in IR::DataFrameScan (#16952)
  • Factor out some apply calls in duration namespace (#16941)
  • Skip intermittently failing AWS test (#16908)
  • Refactor expression parsing utils (#16906)
  • Set up some of the infrastructure for new streaming engine (#16900)
  • Refactor parts of IR. (#16899)
  • Add fundamentals for new async-based streaming execution engine (#16884)
  • Move around some existing tests (#16877)
  • Remove inner Arc from FileCacheEntry (#16870)
  • Do not update stable API reference on prerelease (#16846)
  • Update links to API references (#16843)
  • Prepare update of API reference URLs (#16816)
  • Rename allow_overflow to wrap_numerical (#16807)
  • Set infer_schema_length as keyword-only argument in str.json_decode (#16835)
  • Don't enter streaming engine for groupby-> agg mean/median … (#16810)
  • Improve safety of amortized_iter (#16820)
  • Remove needless inner type clone (#16718)
  • Fix incorrect debug assertion in ChunkedArray::from_chunks_and_dtype (#16697)
  • Update version resolver for 1.0.0 release (#16705)
  • Avoid AWS pinning to outdated crc32c version (#16681)

Thank you to all our contributors for making this release possible!
@IvanIsCoding, @JamesCE2001, @JulianCologne, @KDruzhkin, @Kylea650, @MarcoGorelli, @Mottl, @Object905, @SeanTater, @adamreeve, @alexander-beedie, @bertiewooster, @borchero, @c-peters, @coastalwhite, @datapythonista, @datenzauberai, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @eitsupi, @flisky, @henryharbeck, @itamarst, @jqnatividad, @lukeshingles, @machow, @marenwestermann, @mcrumiller, @montanarograziano, @nameexhaustion, @orlp, @p3i0t, @ritchie46, @sherlockbeard, @stinodego, @tkellogg, @universalmind303 and @wence-

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