github pokt-network/pocket-core RC-0.6.0

latest releases: proofofconcept, RC-0.11.3, RC-0.11.2...
pre-release3 years ago


Another release, another major milestone.

Presenting RC-0.6.0: Pocket Network's first Consensus Rule Change upgrade.

The development of this release began months before the development of RC- and just concluded.

The upcoming Pocket Core release (0.6.0) offers a higher level of security (2 mission critical patches in the merkle tree)
plus provides a higher level of network stability through the removal/patching of events, in addition to a change in the
encoding algorithm (Amino to Google's Protobuf).


  1. Shutdown Pocket Core (NOTE: Validators will not be jailed until they have been offline for 6 blocks. You have more than one hour to complete this upgrade. 15 to 30 minutes should be sufficient.)

  2. !!! Ensure golang version 1.16 !!! or > golang upgrade NOTE: This version is new so please ensure you are on 1.16 or later

    # Startup script linux users might find this useful
    sudo apt-get update
    g install 1.16
  3. Build from source, Homebrew or Docker:

    To build the latest binary from source, follow these steps:

    Navigate into your pocket-core directory:
    Example: cd ~/go/src/

    Enter: pocket version
    You should see: RC- (or older)

    To grab the latest packages and tags we are going to swap branches to the latest tag using:

    git pull
    git checkout tags/RC-0.6.0
    Once you checked out the latest tag and branch, we are going to rebuild the binary by entering in:
    go build -o $GOPATH/bin/pocket ./app/cmd/pocket_core/main.go

    After it builds, make sure you are on the latest release version by entering in:
    pocket version

    Output will be RC-0.6.0

    If you built your binary using Homebrew, follow these steps to upgrade your binary:

    In a terminal window, we are going to pull the latest tap by entering:
    $ brew upgrade pokt-network/pocket-core/pocket

    After it builds, make sure you are on the latest version by entering in:
    pocket version

    Output will be RC-0.6.0

    For individuals using Docker, all you will need to do to get the new container image is run:

    docker pull poktnetwork/pocket-core:RC-0.6.0


    docker pull poktnetwork/pocket:RC-0.6.0

    Depending on which of the 2 Docker images you want to use.

  4. Upgrade your config.json
    Use the default config for all options (except unique configurations like moniker, external addr, etc).

    You have two options:

    Run pocket util update-configs command (creates a new config file and backs up old config file)

    In order to use the most performant values, you will need to upgrade your config.json file in within your /config directory.
    The following example assumes your config.json to be ~/.pocket/config, but feel free to swap out your actual with the location in your system.
    Run the pocket util update-configs command to backup your old config and generate a new default one.
    Manually go over your /config/config.json.bk file and update your new /config/config.json with any custom changes that you use.

    OPTION 2

    Backup and remove your existing config.json file (mv ~/.pocket/config/config.json ~/.pocket/config/config.json.bk)

    Execute a CLI command, (this will cause a default config.json to be created), then update the custom configurations.
    Manually go over your datadir/config/config.json.bk file and update your new datadir/config/config.json with any pertinent values such as moniker, external addr, etc.

  5. Delete Session.DB before upgrading

    • rm -rf <datadir>/session.db
  6. Delete pocket_evidence.DB before upgrading

    • rm -rf <datadir>/pocket_evidence.db
    GoLevelDB is the only supported database from RC-0.5.2 onward

    • If previously using CLevelDB, users might experience incompatibility issues due to known incompatibilities between the two
    • PNI temporarily will provide a backup datadir to download to avoid syncing from scratch:
      22K .zip
    • After uncompressing theses files, place the contents in the <datadir>/data folder

Special Notes

Consensus rule change

Consensus rules are the fabric of the protocol that requires 66% > agreement of Validators in order to reach quorum on the blockchain data.

This edit to the existing Pocket Core Software defines a (dormant) new set of consensus rules that can be activated with a Validator approved governance transaction (See Changelog Below)

This release of Pocket Core supports legacy (RC-0.5) consensus rules as well as the new (RC-0.6) consensus rules.

The software will not change to the new consensus rules until activated by a
66% majority Validator support of a DAO initiated transaction that specifies the height at which the 'rules change'.

Transaction Param (Legacy-Codec)

As described below, the 6.0 upgrade contains a codec upgrade.

Submitting transactions with this release before the upgrade height (will add height here once the DAO votes) will require the 'legacy codec' argument to be TRUE

Submitting transactions with this release after the upgrade height will require the 'legacy codec' argument to be FALSE (DEFAULT)


Can I upgrade before of the upgrade height?

Yes, as soon as the release is published. Watch the repo here to be notified when the release is published.

We’ll also make an announcement about the release in the #announcements channel of our discord.

What happens if I do not upgrade in proposed time?

The Pocket Core process will not be able to continue (shutdown automatically and cannot be restarted)

What do I do If I am using a third-party service provider to run my nodes?

If you are using a third-party service provider it will be up to them to upgrade your nodes, but we do recommend that you contact them for their upgrade plan.

We are also coordinating with the major third-party providers directly in order to ensure a smooth upgrade.

What happens if I do not upgrade in time?

Your node will not be able to continue. Full nodes will shut down and be unable to restart without an upgrade. Validators will be slashed and jailed and be unable to restart without an upgrade. If this happens to you, the only way to get your node back online will be to follow the directions outlined in the upgrade guides.

Note: if you manage to recover within 6 blocks of missing the upgrade time, you won’t actually be slashed. But why take that risk?

If I do not upgrade in time, will I lose my POKT?

As explained above, the upgrade force shuts down any node running older versions after the upgrade height.

For Validators, the shutdown can result in standard offline slashing.




There are two major security issues in the merkle tree proof/claim implementation as well as an exploitable prediction attack due to a misimplementation at the block hash generation.
The current encoding scheme is both 'custom' and unsupported across most all programming languages which hinders ecosystem growth and future development. Lastly, PUP-4 is somewhat addressed in this release.


  • Convert all consensus level amino encoding (including but not limited to the internal storage codecs) to protobuf encoding while maintaining as many legacy structures as possible

  • Introduce Previous Block Validator Voting structure into the block hash used for session and proposer selection algorithms.

  • Use the index of the leafs of the plasma core merkle tree as part of the parent hash to lock in the values using the Claim merkle root

  • Ensure consensus level events are not concatenated in the pocket core module by initializing in the transaction handler

  • Change ABCIValidatorUpdate to ABCIValidatorZeroUpdate for separation of service and validation


The bug fixes in the merkle tree result in an increased level of network stability. Applications and node runners will experience an even higher degree of reliability through the new found network security.

Through the addition of Protobuf encoding, client-side tooling such as SDK development and improvements just got a lot easier, which will make expanding our potential app user bases easier and an all around better development experience while using Pocket Network.

In addition a bug identified in event-handling has now been fixed, which creates smaller block sizes and should enable faster txs and overall better service.

We have successfully separated servicing and validation, which allows us to have more nodes overall and more scalability - no longer capped to 5000(technically). That said, PUP4 will likely still try to limit nodes to 5000 due to the lack of jailing available to servicers which may lead to service degradation.

Protobuf encoding will also lower transaction latency a tad because of less resource demand on nodes.


An extensive number of tests, functional, integration, unit, load, and simulation were completed leading up to this upgrade. The reports will be included in the release notes but we can't release until the DAO has finalized an upgrade height.


The implementation of 0.6.0 is near complete. A few pending tests, the agreement of an Upgrade height, and the approval of this proposal, will result in a complete implementation.


There was no external audit, refer to Viability.


  • Security patch in merkle sum index (CONSENSUS RULE CHANGE)

Hashes the index of the leafs in the merkle sum index tree

  • Security patch for BlockHash (CONSENSUS RULE CHANGE)

Uses the current block hash for session generation and not the lastBlockHash

  • Security patch for Proposer Selection (CONSENSUS RULE CHANGE)

Uses the current evidence in the proposer selection and not the lastBlockHash

  • Protobuf Encoding implemented (CONSENSUS RULE CHANGE)

Switching away from amino completely (except for keybase encodings for legacy compatibility)

  • Pocketcore module event handler fixed (CONSENSUS RULE CHANGE)

Events are no longer concatenated

  • Max age of evidence enforced in blocks (CONSENSUS RULE CHANGE)

Ensure double signs from blocks exceeding the param age are no longer slashable events

  • Deleted applications from state after unstake (CONSENSUS RULE CHANGE)

Remove unstaked apps from the state to save blockchain size


To debug the issues above, several tools were utilized to determine the root causes of all.

Listed in no particular order:


Load Tests

Resource Benchmarks

Functional Tests

Unit/Behavior Tests

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