github pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture 1.8.0

latest releases: 1.11.2, 1.11.1, 1.11.0...
4 months ago

What's Changed

  • Added: New @Reducer macro features (#2795).

    The @Reducer macro has been enhanced to streamline usage and simplify some common patterns:

    • When left undefined, the @Reducer will now define default implementations of State, Action, and body. This means stubbing a feature is as simple as @Reducer struct Feature {}.

    • @Reducer can now be used with enums to simplify the boilerplate associated with "destination" and "path" reducers.

    See the 1.8 migration guide for more information on how to use these APIs.

  • Fixed: Propagate @ViewAction macro availability (#2785).

  • Fixed: Properly tag nested observable enums so that changes to non-observable cases are better observed (#2786).

  • Infrastructure: Fix typo in migration guide 1.6 (thanks @takehilo, #2779); better document explicit id with scoped ForEach (#2784); Fix typo in the 1.7 migration guide (thanks @yaslab, #2780; thanks @Ryu0118, #2790);

Full Changelog: 1.7.2...1.8.0

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.7.3...1.8.0

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