github pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture 0.46.0

latest releases: 1.11.2, 1.11.1, 1.11.0...
19 months ago

What's Changed

  • Added: TestStore now takes a trailing closure for configuring its dependency values (#1620). These dependency values are used when processing initialState, which means state that relies on @Dependency (\.uuid, for example) will use these dependencies.
  • Changed: TestStore was recently, briefly made an open class, but we are marking it final again (#1655). We are open to making it open again, but would like to know if there are use cases, first.
  • Fixed: @Dependency(\.openURL)'s callAsFunctions overloads are no longer ambiguous in certain cases (#1621).
  • Fixed: Printing is now disabled when running debugged reducers from Xcode previews (thanks @tgrapperon, #1625).
  • Fixed: Documentation typos (thanks @PierreCapo, #1609; @tgrapperon, #1608; @ts, #1612; @Jager-yoo, #1638; @hmhv, #1659).
  • Infrastructure: Case Studies modernization (#1623); CI cleanup (#1632); documentation additions (#1642); dependencies test (thanks @crayment, #1644).

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.45.0...0.46.0

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