github pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture 0.44.0

latest releases: 1.10.2, 1.10.1, 1.10.0...
18 months ago

What's Changed

  • Added: Support for Swift 5.7's Clock protocol as a dependency via swift-clocks (#1547).

  • Fixed: First access of a dependency vended from DependencyKey is now cached (thanks @tgrapperon, #1510). This means that a dependency vended from a computed property, when stateful, is now maintained over time.

    If you are using the Dependencies module outside of the Composable Architecture, make sure your tests fully reset DependencyValues when you first control them. For example:

    func testMyFeature() async throws {
      try await DependencyValues.withValues { values in
        values = DependencyValues() // reset "values"
        values.context = .test // default "values" for testing
        // further mutate "values" for this test
      } operation: {
        // make assertions
  • Infrastructure: Improve the layout of Web Socket case study (thanks @Jager-yoo, #1529); updated XCTUnimplemented calls to unimplemented (#1530); removed unnecessary conformance to Sendable Protocol (thanks @inwoodev; #1535); add a few missing tests (#1539); remove redundant error type in ReusableFavoritingTests.swift (thanks @Jager-yoo, #1538)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.43.0...0.44.0

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