github pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture 0.36.0

latest releases: 1.11.1, 1.11.0, 1.10.4...
2 years ago
  • Added: Effect.throttle overloads that take Any.Type (thanks @elkraneo).
  • Added: TestStore.state, which reflects the state of the store between assertions. This property can be used to further probe test store state over time and make additional assertions.
  • Updated: WithViewStore can be in more places, like @CommandsBuilder (thanks @tgrapperon).
  • Fixed: Effect.task modifiers now deliver output and completion on the main actor, avoiding potential data races.
  • Documentation: Added support for SPI documentation (thanks @finestructure).
  • Infrastructure: typo fixes (thanks @konomae) and demo app cleanup.

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