- Added optional generic support for the
This should allow specifying a single TypeScript definition for the client, eg. using type assertion:interface Task { id: string; name: string; } interface Post { id: string; title: string; active: boolean; } interface TypedPocketBase extends PocketBase { collection(idOrName: string): RecordService // default fallback for any other collection collection(idOrName: 'tasks'): RecordService<Task> collection(idOrName: 'posts'): RecordService<Post> } ... const pb = new PocketBase('') as TypedPocketBase // the same as pb.collection('tasks').getOne<Task>("RECORD_ID") await pb.collection('tasks').getOne("RECORD_ID") // -> results in Task // the same as pb.collection('posts').getOne<Post>("RECORD_ID") await pb.collection('posts').getOne("RECORD_ID") // -> results in Post