github pocketbase/js-sdk v0.14.0
v0.14.0 Release

latest releases: v0.24.0, v0.23.0, v0.22.1...
20 months ago
  • Added simplified authWithOAuth2() version without having to implement custom redirect, deeplink or even page reload:

    const authData = await pb.collection('users').authWithOAuth2({
      provider: 'google'

    Works with PocketBase v0.15.0+.

    This method initializes a one-off realtime subscription and will
    open a popup window with the OAuth2 vendor page to authenticate.
    Once the external OAuth2 sign-in/sign-up flow is completed, the popup
    window will be automatically closed and the OAuth2 data sent back
    to the user through the previously established realtime connection.

    Site-note: when creating the OAuth2 app in the provider dashboard
    you have to configure
    as redirect URL.

    The "manual" code exchange flow is still supported as authWithOAuth2Code(provider, code, codeVerifier, redirectUrl).

    For backward compatibility it is also available as soft-deprecated function overload of authWithOAuth2(provider, code, codeVerifier, redirectUrl).

  • Added new pb.files service:

    // Builds and returns an absolute record file url for the provided filename.
    🔓 pb.files.getUrl(record, filename, queryParams = {});
    // Requests a new private file access token for the current auth model (admin or record).
    🔐 pb.files.getToken(queryParams = {});

    pb.getFileUrl() is soft-deprecated and acts as alias calling pb.files.getUrl() under the hood.

    Works with PocketBase v0.15.0+.

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