github plotly/plotly.js v1.52.2

latest releases: v2.33.0, v2.32.0, v2.31.1...
4 years ago


  • Handle 'missing' matching axes [#4529]
  • Fix hover for mesh3d, isosurface and volume
    when using plotGlPixelRatio > 1 (bug introduced in 1.45.0) [#4534]
  • Fix hover of mesh3d traces with facecolor and intensitymode: 'cell' [#4539]
  • Fix gl3d rendering on iPad Pro & iPad 7th + iOs v13 + Safari [#4360, #4546]
  • Fix pixel-rounding logic for blank bars [#4522]
  • Fix pathbar.visible updates in treemap traces [#4516]
  • Fix waterfall 'closest' hover when cursor is below the size axis [#4537]
  • Fix mapbox layout layer opacity for raster types [#4525]
  • Allow 0 in grouby transform nameformat templates [#4526]
  • Fix Plotly.validate for valType:'any' attributes [#4526]
  • Bump d3-interpolate to v1.4.0 [#4475]
  • Bump d3-hierarchy to v1.1.9 [#4475]
  • Fix typo in annotation align attribute description [#4528]
  • Fix plot_bgcolor and paper_bgcolor attribute description [#4536]
  • Fix insidetextorientation description for pie and sunburst traces [#4523]

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