github plotly/dash v2.5.1
Dash v2.5.1

latest releases: v2.17.0, v2.16.1, v2.16.0...
23 months ago


  • #2087 Fix bug #2086 in which using id as a key within a component's id breaks the new callback context's args_grouping function.
  • #2084 In dash 2.5.0, a default viewport meta tag was added as recommended for mobile-optimized sites by mdn
    This feature can be disabled by providing an empty viewport meta tag. e.g. app = Dash(meta_tags=[{"name": "viewport"}])
  • #2090, #2092. Fixed bug where the path to the pages_folder was incorrect on Windows.


  • #2087 Removed the undocumented callback context args_grouping_values property which was incompatible with pattern-matching callbacks.

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