- (B2) (SuperSpeed) Flicker-Gate's Multi-Gdrive Upload Option Added; ansible updated. (BETA BETA)
- (B1) NextCloud Container works; access via domain:port only
- (B1) For Uncapped; added a deamon reload; critical because move.service will never disable
- (B1) Added Press Key To Continue after all speed tests; previously would exit soon as it finished printing results
- (B1) Moving Animiation to Solo Restore & Backup to show the program is working; removed ansible display for solo process
- (B1) Moving Animiation to Solo PlexDrive to show the program is working; removed ansible display for solo process
- (B2) (Pushover) notification system added and to various scripts
- (B2) Pushover & SuperSpeed Added-Amended to Settings
- (B1) Container Starts up after a local backup is made on the server; speeds up pending container use
- (B1) PlexDrive - Fixed up to ensure service works properly when installing for the first time
- (B1) Changed SAB to port 8080; https:// now works for SABNZBD
- (B1) Changed Ombi Source / Requires a rerun if you had ombi setup from before!
- (B1) Several https:// no redirects, legacy code
- (B1) Streamlined PlexDrive Script; tossed older legacy scripts (no older prompts)
Known Issues
- pyload is not working
- turnin off ports may not work in settings <<< might be fixed (have to test more)
- next cloud https:// domain not working, but port access is