github playframework/playframework 3.0.0
πŸ“£ Play 3.0.0

latest releases: 3.0.4-M1, 3.0.3, 2.9.3...
6 months ago

The Play Team is thrilled to announce the release of Play 3.0.0! πŸŽ‰ This release brings highly anticipated new features, including support for the latest Java LTS versions and Scala 3. It continues our commitment to making Play more modular, flexible, and secure. Play 3.0, together with Play 2.9, represents a significant milestone as they are the first major releases in almost four years and the first major releases entirely driven by the community. Starting in late 2021, the project transitioned from Lightbend Inc. to a core team of dedicated individuals, as detailed in our sponsorship page. This release is the result of months of hard work from the Play core team and our fantastic community, with more than 600 pull requests merged from 112 contributors.

πŸ“— What's New?

For a detailed overview of all the new features, please visit our Play 3.0 release highlights page on the Play website.

πŸ—’οΈ Play 3.0 vs Play 2.9: How Play Deals with Akka’s License Change

Simultaneously with this release, we also introduced Play 2.9, which is nearly identical to Play 3.0. It offers the same features and will receive parallel maintenance, benefiting from identical enhancements and bug fixes.

Play 3, however:

  • Uses Apache Pekko under the hood instead of Akka, and
  • Switches the groupId to org.playframework to emphasize that the project is now entirely community-driven and fully committed to Open Source.

If you want to learn more about Apache Pekko and the motivation behind the switch to it in Play 3.0, read "How Play Deals with Akka’s License Change".

πŸ—ΊοΈ How to start or migrate to Play 3.0

To get started with Play, follow the instructions on our Getting Started page. If you're migrating from an older version to Play 3.0, our migration guide will be a valuable resource.

Full Changelog

Following pull requests got merged for this release:

Following pull requests got merged for this release (click to expand)

For more details see the full list of changes and the 3.0.0 milestone.

❀️ Thanks to our premium sponsors!

If you find this OSS project useful for work, please consider asking your company to support it by becoming a sponsor.
You can also individually sponsor the project by becoming a backer.

πŸ™‡ Thanks to our contributors

Finally, thanks to the community for their help with detailed bug reports, discussions about new features and pull request reviews. This project is only possible due to the help we had from amazing contributors.
Special thanks to all code contributors who helped with this particular release (they are listed below)!

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