- [NEW] Radial Speed property for particle emitters
- [NEW] Local space property for particle emitters
- [NEW] Inner spawn volumes for particle emitters
- [NEW] Particle alignment property (align to world/local direction) for particle emitters
- [OPTIMIZATION] Resizing element dirties local, but only once
- [UPDATE] More detailed error when something fails while loading a scene
- [FIX] Allow returning empty string from i18n#getText and i18n#getPluralText
- [FIX] Fix possible exception when a key is null in getPluralText
- [FIX] Use fallback plural function when desired locale does not have any translations
- [FIX] Locale fallback when the locale does not have a default locale specified
- [FIX] Fix memory leak with Text Elements not unsubscribing from i18n events