- [ADDED] Expose grab pass texture via the graphics device for easy refraction, etc. Not yet official API, so consider this beta for now. (@aidinabedi)
- [PERFORMANCE] Enable culling for 2D elements. (@daredevildave)
- [PERFORMANCE] Cache and reuse previously compiled vertex or fragment shaders. (@willeastcott)
- [PERFORMANCE] Reduced regeneration of shaders when light configuration is changed or mesh instances are added/removed from layers. (@e-strokov)
- [PERFORMANCE] Faster generation of standard material shaders (optimizing shader key generation). (@e-strokov)
- [FIX] Ensure shadow receiving is disabled for standard materials shaders when there are no lights. (@willeastcott)
- [FIX] Clear up contextlost event handlers on graphics device destruction. (@daredevildave)