github plandex-ai/plandex server/v1.1.0
Release server/v1.1.0

latest releases: cli/v1.1.1, server/v1.1.1, cli/v1.1.0...
21 days ago
  • Give notes added to context with plandex load -n 'some note' automatically generated names in context ls list.
  • Fixes for summarization and auto-continue issues that could Plandex to lose track of where it is in the plan and repeat tasks or do tasks out of order, especially when using tell and continue after the initial tell.
  • Improvements to the verification and auto-fix step. Plandex is now more likely to catch and fix placeholder references like "// ... existing code ..." as well as incorrect removal or overwriting of code.
  • After a context file is updated, Plandex is less likely to use an old version of the code from earlier in the conversation--it now uses the latest version much more reliably.
  • Increase wait times when receiving rate limit errors from OpenAI API (common with new OpenAI accounts that haven't spent $50).

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