github pixop/video-compare 20240818
20240818 "manila"

latest releases: 20241025, 20240923
3 months ago

Release notes:

  • Fixed an issue with the use of swscale that affected how video was converted to RGB
  • Added four new options: -L (--left-peak-nits), -R (--right-peak-nits), -T (--tone-map-mode), and -B (--boost-tone), which allow videos with differing dynamic ranges to be conveniently compared via tone-mapping (e.g., SDR vs. HDR or HDR vs. HDR), see #74 for more details
  • Introduced the ability to inject custom video filters before any app-inserted filters, using a dash | to separate the pre- and post-filter groups (e.g., -l 'setparams=colorspace=bt709|scale=iw/2:ih/2'), primarily intended for advanced users who need to override incorrect metadata

The build for Windows 10 64-bit includes FFmpeg v7.0.2, SDL2 v2.28.5 and SDL2_ttf v2.22.0 DLLs.

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