github pixijs/pixijs v8.0.0-rc.1

latest releases: v8.2.1, v8.2.0, v8.1.8...
pre-release5 months ago


There is a known bug with this build that is stopping extensions being added correctly

You can add the following to resolve the issue

import 'pixi.js/accessibility'
import 'pixi.js/app'
import 'pixi.js/events'
import 'pixi.js/filters'
import 'pixi.js/sprite-tiling'
import 'pixi.js/text'
import 'pixi.js/text-bitmap'
import 'pixi.js/text-html'
import 'pixi.js/graphics'
import 'pixi.js/mesh'
import 'pixi.js/spritesheet'
import 'pixi.js/rendering'
import 'pixi.js/sprite-nine-slice'

The next release will resolve this and you will not need to manually import these

โ„น๏ธ INFO

If you have any questions or issues we are actively monitoring our discord and github issues!

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Development Build:

Production Build:




๐Ÿ”ฅ Breaking

Based on the feedback received after the last release candidate build, we found it necessary to make some breaking changes to enhance the overall user experience before the final release.

  • Breaking: refactor views by @GoodBoyDigital in #10041

    • We have decided that our decision to split scene objects into "views" was a mistake and increased complexity for users that want to extend things like the Sprite class to add custom functionality.
    • We have now refactored all scene objects to be flat similar to how previous versions of pixi has worked
    • This also means that anything available from sprite.view should be available directly on sprite now
  • Breaking: rename fragColor to finalColor by @GoodBoyDigital in #9982

    + out vec4 finalColor;
    - out vec4 fragColor; 
  • Breaking: Standardise filter uniform names by @GoodBoyDigital in #10012

    • All filters now have consistent naming prefixed with u
    • uSampler renamed to uTexture
    • mySampler renamed to uSampler


    - @group(0) @binding(1) var uSampler: texture_2d<f32>;
    - @group(0) @binding(2) var mySampler : sampler;
    - @group(0) @binding(3) var backTexture: texture_2d<f32>;
    + @group(0) @binding(1) var uTexture: texture_2d<f32>;
    + @group(0) @binding(2) var uSampler : sampler;
    + @group(0) @binding(3) var uBackTexture: texture_2d<f32>;
  • Chore/rename-rg by @GoodBoyDigital in #10048

  • Breaking: rename onUpdate to _onUpdate by @GoodBoyDigital in #10049

    • onUpdate was an internal function call, however we found it to be fairly common for libraries to implement their own onUpdate property e.g. onUpdate = new Signal()
    • We have now renamed this to _onUpdate to make it easier to upgrade to v8
  • Breaking: flatten options by @achamas-playco in #10025

    • the style constructor property from TextureSource has been flattened to make it easier to apply styles
     new TextureSource({
    -    style: { scaleMode: 'nearest' }
    +    scaleMode: 'nearest'
  • Breaking: fix running on webworker by @Zyie in #9960

    • Previous versions of v8 did not work correctly on a webworker. This has been fixed but did also introduce a breaking change
    • Previously all pixi.js/* imports were wrongly being added by default. With this change you will now need to manually import the additional parts of pixi
    import 'pixi.js/unsafe-eval'
    import 'pixi.js/maths-extras'
    import 'pixi.js/advanced-blend-modes'
    import 'pixi.js/prepare'
    import 'pixi.js/ktx'
    import 'pixi.js/basis'
    import 'pixi.js/dds'
  • Breaking: bundle builds by @Zyie in #9961

    • We now have separate builds for webworker, unsafe-eval, and math-extras
    • This means that if you are using <script> to use pixi you will need to add these extra packages
      • Note: this should behave the same as how v7 worked
    • Note: this change only affects anyone using <script>. For anyone using package managers there should be no changes

๐ŸŽ Added

๐Ÿ› Fixed

๐Ÿงน Chores

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v8.0.0-rc...v8.0.0-rc.1

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