github pixelant/pxa_social_feed 1.9.0
Presentation and appearance of items

latest releases: 3.7.1, 3.7.0, 3.6.2...
5 years ago

This pull request adds 2 new entities to the rendering of pxa_social_feed:

  • Presentation - instead of owl-carousel, you can select masonry (or add a third way to present items)

  • The appearance of items - Instead of the current "card"-view where every item has the same height, you can select a "dynamic"-view (which shows the full picture and has a dynamic height) or add another appearance.

  • Adds masonry and imagesloaded js-libraries (for masonry-effect and to reorganize once images have finished loading)

  • The CSS structure now has a cleaner separation so that a developer can add a new presentation or appearance of items without having the legacy of styling. So this may be a breaking change if you previously had overwritten the pxa_social_feed-styling. You are now also able to style a combination of "presentation" and "appearance of items", f.ex. to add horizontal separation lines between 'dynamic items' in 'masonry'-presentation.

These smaller fixes were also done:

  • Owl carousel - firefox issue with 2 rows in desktop-view when there were many items.
  • Don't encode Instagram text and location, 'breaks' multibyte characters like umlauts.

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