github pivotal-cf/om 7.3.1

latest releases: 7.6.0, 7.5.0, 7.4.3...
2 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • Way back in 7.0, incidental to switching to the uaa-go library,
    om started requesting opaque access tokens from UAA
    to access Ops Manager.
    The change wasn't deliberate, and didn't even make the release notes.

    These implicitly revocable tokens may be contributing to
    a hard-to-repro issue around parallel access
    in a customer environment.

    Before the change, the optional token_format parameter went unused,
    and UAA's default token_format, jwt, was used.

    This release explicitly requests jwt access tokens,
    restoring the previous behavior,
    and potentially addressing said parallel-access issue.

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