github piraeusdatastore/piraeus-operator v1.8.0

latest releases: v2.5.1, v2.5.0, v2.4.1...
2 years ago

This is the final release for the Operator 1.8.0 release. It includes some quality of life improvements and the usual update to components. There weren't any big changes since the release candidate, so I'll just repeat the noteworthy changes since 1.7.0:

  • Thanks to the contribution of @kvaps, setting up secure communication between Piraeus components is now easier than ever. Take a look at our upgraded security guide. If you configured SSL before, you need to follow the upgrade guide
  • The new CSI version 0.18.0 enables using S3 storage to store your VolumeSnapshots. This includes restoring from S3 in case of complete cluster failure. See the example snapshot class and example volume snapshot or wait for the inevitable blog post on to learn more.

Upgrade notes:

For those using the k8s database: On upgrade you will be prompted to create a database backup. LINSTOR 1.17.0 still had a lot of issues with the backend, so having a backup that you can roll back to is important. Once ready to upgrade, add

--set IHaveBackedUpAllMyLinstorResources=true

to the upgrade command. This check will be removed in a future release: the Operator will perform the necessary backup and store it in a kubernetes secret.

Full changes:


  • Allow setting the number of parallel requests created by the CSI sidecars. This limits the load on the LINSTOR
    backend, which could easily overload when creating many volumes at once.
  • Unify certificates format for SSL enabled installation, no more java tooling required.
  • Automatic certificates generation using Helm or Cert-manager
  • HA Controller and CSI components now wait for the LINSTOR API to be initialized using InitContainers.


  • Create backups of LINSTOR resource if the "k8s" database backend is used and an image change is detected. Backups
    are stored in Secret resources as a tar.gz. If the secret would get too big, the backup can be downloaded from
    the operator pod.
  • Default images:
    • LINSTOR 1.18.0
    • LINSTOR CSI 0.18.0
    • DRBD 9.1.6
    • DRBD Reactor 0.5.3
    • LINSTOR HA Controller 0.3.0
    • CSI Attacher v3.4.0
    • CSI Node Driver Registrar v2.4.0
    • CSI Provisioner v3.1.0
    • CSI Snapshotter v5.0.1
    • CSI Resizer v1.4.0
    • Stork v2.8.2
  • Stork updated to support Kubernetes v1.22+.
  • Satellites no longer have a readiness probe defined. This caused issues in the satellites by repeatedly opening
    unexpected connections, especially when using SSL.
  • Only query node devices if a storage pool needs to be created.
  • Use cached storage pool response to avoid causing excessive load on LINSTOR satellites.
  • Protect LINSTOR passphrase from accidental deletion by using a finalizer.


  • If you have SSL configured, then the certificates must be regenerated in PEM format.
    Learn more in the upgrade guide.

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