github piraeusdatastore/piraeus-operator v1.10.0

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23 months ago

This is the final release of 1.10.0. In the long phase between RC.1 and this released, a lot of work was happening on the LINSTOR side.

Other than that, this release contains a few small improvements with regards to IPv6 based setups, as well as an option to share DRBD configuration between host and container.


  • Can set the variable mountDrbdResourceDirectoriesFromHost in the Helm chart to create hostPath Volumes for DRBD and LINSTOR configuration directories for the satellite set.


  • Change default bind address for satellite monitoring to use IPv6 anylocal [::]. This will still to work on IPv4
    only systems with IPv6 disabled via sysctl.
  • Default images:
    • LINSTOR 1.20.0
    • DRBD 9.1.11
    • DRBD Reactor 0.9.0
    • external CSI images upgraded to latest versions


  • Comparing IP addresses for registered components uses golang's built-in net.IP type.
  • Restoring satellites after eviction only happens if the node is ready.

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