github pinterf/mvtools 2.7.24
MvTools2 2.7.24 with depans

latest releases: 2.7.45, 2.7.44, 2.7.43...
6 years ago

MvTools2 + Depan + DepanEstimate

2.7.24 (20171205)
Fix: MFlowBlur: possible access violation crash when nPel>1
New: MScaleVect parameter 'bits'. e.g. Analyze 8 bit clips, use their vectors for 16 bits
Move project to VS2017

2.7.23 (20171012)
Fix: MScaleVect wrong rounding of scaled motion vectors with negative components. e.g. proper scaling (-1;-2) to (-2;-4) instead of (-1,-3)

2.7.22 (20170830)
Misc: Stop using version suffix .22
Fix: [DCT 8x8@8bit] garbage on x64: internal assembly code did not save xmm6/xmm7
Fix: [DCT 8x8@8bit] safe multithreading for integer DCT (8x8 block size, 8 bit video): assembly had a single working buffer.
Fix: [MDegrain] did not release input motion vector clips in destructor, possible hang at script closing. Bug since (introducing MDegrain4/5)
Mod: fftw conversion constant of sqrt(2)/2 is more accurate (was:0.707), 16 bit formats may benefit (by feisty2)
Fix: SSE4 assembly instructions in x64, broke on non-SSE4 processors (20170629)
Fix: [MDegrainN] fix chroma plane processing, regression since (20170526) - hotfix
Fix: [MMask] greyscale input resulted in AV when filter exiting (20170525)
New: [MMask] Support any planar input video formats e.g. greyscale, Planar RGB.
Input clip can even be of different bit depth or format from vector's original format
For kind==5 where U and V is filled, the greyscale option is not allowed

Mod: [MMask] Faster: request source frame only for kind=5.

Fix: [MxxxxFPS,MMask]: MakeVectorOcclusionMaskTime garbage in bottom blocks (30 hrs of debugging)

Fix: [MMask] bottom padding garbage for padded frame dimension

Fix: [MMask] proper 10+ bits scene change values (for default: 1023, 4095, 16383, 65535. Was: 65535)
Parameter is still in 8-bit range

Fix: [MRecalculate] prevent overflow during thSAD scaling in 16 bits or large block sizes (32, 48...)

Fix: [DepanEstimate] Giving wrong motion instead of scene change detection

Fix: [MAnalyze] Possible overflow in MAnalyze 8 bit, block size 48x48 and above.
Overflow-safe predictor recalc for big block sizes

New: [General] Add block size 12x3 for SAD, allow 6x24
List of available block sizes
64x64, 64x48, 64x32, 64x16
48x64, 48x48, 48x24, 48x12
32x64, 32x32, 32x24, 32x16, 32x8
24x48, 24x24, 24x32, 24x12, 24x6
16x64, 16x32, 16x16, 16x12, 16x8, 16x4, 16x2
12x48, 12x24, 12x16, 12x12, 12x6, 12x3
8x32, 8x16, 8x8, 8x4, 8x2, 8x1
6x24, 6x12, 6x6, 6x3
4x8, 4x4, 4x2
3x6, 3x3
2x4, 2x2

Mod: [Internal] Reorganized 10-16 bit SAD simd intrinsics, faster 8-12% for BlkSize 12-32 (20170512)
Fix: 10-16 bit: DCT buffer possible overflow

Fix: DCT is fast again for non 8x8 blocksizes. Regression since

New: Chroma SAD is now always half of luma SAD, regardless of video format.
Without this: YV24's luma:chroma SAD ratio is 4:8 instead of 4:2 (of YV12)

New: MAnalyze, MRecalculate new parameter: "scaleCSAD" integer, default 0
Fine tune chroma SAD weight relative to luma SAD.
ScaleCSAD values for luma:chroma SAD ratio
-2: 4:0.5
-1: 4:1
0: 4:2 (default, same as the native ratio for YV12)
1: 4:4
2: 4:8

New: Block sizes 64, 48, 24, 12, 6
MAnalyze/MRecalculate new block sizes (SATD support mod4 sizes)
List of available block sizes
64x64, 64x48, 64x32, 64x16
48x64, 48x48, 48x24, 48x12
32x64, 32x32, 32x24, 32x16, 32x8
24x48, 24x24, 24x32, 24x12, 24x6
16x64, 16x32, 16x16, 16x12, 16x8, 16x4, 16x2
12x48, 12x24, 12x16, 12x12, 12x6
8x32, 8x16, 8x8, 8x4, 8x2, 8x1
6x24, 6x12, 6x6, 6x3
4x8, 4x4, 4x2
3x6, 3x3
2x4, 2x2

Note: some smaller block sizes can only be available in 4:4:4 formats, due to block size division (chroma subsampling)

New: All block sizes are supported in MDegrain1-6, MDegrainN, and MScaleVect

New: Changed to 2017 version of asm files for 8 bit SAD/SATD functions from x265 project.
Added not implemented asm code for 12, 24, 48 sizes
For some block sizes AVX2 and SSE4 is supported (AVX2 if reported under AviSynth+)
e.g. BlkSize 32 is faster now.

New: MMask SAD Mask to give identical weights for other-than-YV12 formats, e.g. for YV24

MvTools2 (20170426)
Fix: Regression in MDegrain right pixel artifacts on non-modulo 16 widths
Misc: MMask, mode SADMask output is normalized further by video subsampling (YV16/YV24 has larger SAD value due to bigger chroma part that classic YV12)

For full changelog see documentation.

Bundled filters:
Depan: (20170525)
DepanEstimate: (20170525)
General support of 10-16 bit formats with Avisynth Plus (r2294 or newer recommended)

x86 and x64 builds
Windows XP is still supported


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