v2.2.12 (20180107)
- Fix: mt_merge 10-16 bits: right side artifacts when clip is non-mod 8 (non-AVX2) or mod16 (AVX2) widths
Earlier changes
v2.2.11 (20180105)
- Fix: mt_merge luma=true: broken output when: 8-16 bits AVX2, 32 bit float: SSE2, AVX
- move project to VS2017, vs141_xp toolset
v2.2.10 (20170612)
- Fix: luts internal buffer overflow (crash)
- Speed: mt_inpand/mt_expand: 10-16 bits SSE4 (10-15x speed)
- Speed: mt_inflate/mt_deflate 10-16 bits SSE4 (4x speed)
v2.2.9 (20170608)
- Add "none" and "ignore" to valid values for "chroma" and "alpha" parameters.
- Report error for invalid "chroma" or "alpha" parameter values instead of exception