github pinterf/TIVTC v1.0.29
TIVTC v1.0.29 (20240302) & TDeInt v1.9 (20231210 - no change)

one month ago

TIVTC v1.0.29 (20240302) & TDeInt v1.9 (20231210)


v1.9 (20231210) - unchanged


v1.0.29 (20230302)

  • TDecimate: allow noblend=true when hybrid=1, noblend default value is false when hybrid=1 to keep
    backward compatibility. (flossy83)
  • TDecimate to fill new frame properties. (flossy83)
    TDecimateCycleMetrics, TDecimateCycleMetricsPrev, TDecimateCycleMetricsNext (float arrays),
    TDecimateCycleFrameNums, TDecimateCycleFrameNumsPrev, TDecimateCycleFrameNumsNext (int arrays),
    See #48
  • Fix #46: TDecimate(hybrid=3) blending with wrong frame. (flossy83)

for more see TDecimate - READ ME.txt

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