github pingdotgg/uploadthing uploadthing@7.0.0

Major Changes

  • #866 d69dd6e Thanks @juliusmarminge! - refactor: reduce bundle size

    We've continued our efforts to reduce the bundle size of the client side javascript. In a previous minor release, we reduced the bundle size by 70%, from 120kB to 40kB. This release continues on that work with a further reduction of 35% down to just over 25kB client side
    javascript shipped to the browser from the uploadthing/client package.

  • #866 d69dd6e Thanks @juliusmarminge! - feat!: change signature of genUploader to return an object with 2 functions, uploadFiles and createUpload

    createUpload can be used to create a resumable upload which you can pause and resume as you wish.
    See example:

  • #866 d69dd6e Thanks @juliusmarminge! - feat!: use ingest server

    Multi Part Uplaods hasve been abstracted away and files are now uploaded as a single stream to UploadThing, reducing the manual steps required to upload files and improves performance.

    Polling has been removed in favor of a streaming upload process with instant feedback

  • #866 d69dd6e Thanks @juliusmarminge! - chore: update paths to new api domain

    Previously the SDK version was just sent in the header which made it cumbersome to make large changes on the API without risking breaking older versions. This change improves our flexibility to make changes to the API without needing to do a major bump on the SDK. It should come with some nice performance wins too!

  • #866 d69dd6e Thanks @juliusmarminge! - ## 🚨 Breaking Changes


    • Change UPLOADTHING_API_KEY to UPLOADTHING_TOKEN. The token contains both your API key and some other metadata required by the SDK. You can get a token from the UploadThing dashboard. All options related to uploadthingSecret / apiKey has now been removed and replaced with token:
    - createRouteHandler({ router, config: { uploadthingSecret: 'sk_123' } })
    + createRouteHandler({ router, config: { token: 'MY_TOKEN' } })
    - new UTApi({ apiKey: 'sk_123' })
    + new UTApi({ token: 'MY_TOKEN' })
    • If you relied on the CUSTOM_INFRA_URL environment variable override, you will have to change this to UPLOADTHING_API_URL or UPLOADTHING_INGEST_URL depending on your use case.


    • Change signature of genUploader to return an object instead of a single function.
    - const uploadFiles = genUploader(opts)
    + const { uploadFiles } = genUploader(opts)
    • Remove uploadFiles.skipPolling option in favor of a new server-side RouteOption awaitServerData. If you want your client callback to run as soon as the file has been uploaded,
      without waiting for your server side onUploadComplete to run, you can now set awaitServerData to false.
      // Client option
    -   skipPolling: true
      // Server option
      const router = {
        myRoute: f(
          { ... },
    +     { awaitServerData: false }

    Read more about the new RouteOptions in the 📚 Server API Reference docs


    • Change config.logLevel levels. Most are now capitalized to match our new logger. Auto-complete should make migrating trivial.
    - logLevel: 'info'
    + logLevel: 'Info'
    • uploadthing/server adapter now returns a single function instead of individual named functions. The handler accepts a request and will handle routing internally.
    - const { GET, POST } = createRouteHandler({ router, config })
    + const handler = createRouteHandler({ router, config })

    You can re-export the handler as named functions if your framework requires it.

    const handler = createRouteHandler({ router, config });
    export { handler as GET, handler as POST };



    • Add new configuration provider. All config options (e.g. UTApi.constructor options or createRouteHandler.config option can now also be set using an environment variable. Setting the option in the constructor is still supported and takes precedence over the environment variable.
    const api = new UTApi({
      logLevel: "Info",
    // is the same as
    process.env.UPLOADTHING_LOG_LEVEL = "Info";
    const api = new UTApi();

Patch Changes

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