github pingdotgg/uploadthing @uploadthing/shared@7.1.0

Minor Changes

  • #1008 3acc199 Thanks @juliusmarminge! - feat: add support to specify route endpoint that supports "Go to Definition"

    All places that accept the endpoint argument now additionally accept a function that gets a route registry as input and returns the endpoint to use. This allows for "Go to Definition" to go to the backend route definition directly from the component.


    // uploadthing/client#uploadFiles
        (routeRegistry) => routeRegistry.videoAndImage,
        { ... }
    // uploadthing/react#useUploadThing
        (routeRegistry) => routeRegistry.videoAndImage,
        { ... }
    // uploadthing/react#UploadButton
        endpoint={(routeRegistry) => routeRegistry.videoAndImage}
        { ... }

Patch Changes

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