github pingcap/tidb v5.2.0
tidb-server v5.2.0

latest releases: v6.5.2-20240620-3c7af6a, v6.5.10, v7.5.2...
2 years ago


  • Support pushing down the built-in function json_unquote() to TiKV #24415
  • Support removing the union branch from the dual table #25614
  • Optimize the aggregate operator's cost factor #25241
  • Allow the MPP outer join to choose the build table based on the table row count #25142
  • Support balancing the MPP query workload among different TiFlash nodes based on Regions #24724
  • Support invalidating stale Regions in the cache after the MPP query is executed #24432
  • Improve the MySQL compatibility of the built-in functionstr_to_date for the format specifiers %b/%M/%r/%T #25767
  • Fix the issue that inconsistent binding caches might be created in multiple TiDB after recreating different bindings for the same query #26015
  • Fix the issue that the existing bindings cannot be loaded into cache after upgrade #23295
  • Support ordering the result of SHOW BINDINGS by (original_sql, update_time) #26139
  • Improve the logic of query optimization when bindings exist, and reduce optimization times of a query #26141
  • Support completing the garbage collection automatically for the bindings in the "deleted" status #26206
  • Support showing whether a binding is used for query optimization in the result of EXPLAIN VERBOSE #26930
  • Add a new status variation last_plan_binding_update_time to view the timestamp corresponding to the binding cache in the current TiDB instance #26340
  • Support reporting an error when starting binding evolution or running admin evolve bindings to ban the baseline evolution (currently disabled in the on-premises TiDB version because it is an experimental feature) affecting other features #26333

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the issue that an incorrect result is returned when using merge join on the SET type column #25669
  • Fix the data corruption issue in the IN expression's arguments #25591
  • Avoid the sessions of GC being affected by global variables #24976
  • Fix the panic issue that occurs when using limit in the window function queries #25344
  • Fix the wrong value returned when querying a partitioned table using Limit #24636
  • Fix the issue that IFNULL does not correctly take effect on the ENUM or SET type column #24944
  • Fix the wrong results caused by changing the count in the join subqueries to first_row #24865
  • Fix the query hang issue that occurs when ParallelApply is used under the TopN operator #24930
  • Fix the issue that more results than expected are returned when executing SQL statements using multi-column prefix indexes #24356
  • Fix the issue that the <=> operator cannot correctly take effect #24477
  • Fix the data race issue of the parallel Apply operator #23280
  • Fix the issue that the index out of range error is reported when sorting the IndexMerge results of the PartitionUnion operator #23919
  • Fix the issue that setting the tidb_snapshot variable to an unexpectedly large value might damage the transaction isolation #25680
  • Fix the issue that the ODBC-styled constant (for example, {d '2020-01-01'}) cannot be used as the expression #25531
  • Fix the issue that SELECT DISTINCT converted to Batch Get causes incorrect results #25320
  • Fix the issue that backing off queries from TiFlash to TiKV cannot be triggered #23665 #24421
  • Fix the index-out-of-range error that occurs when checking only_full_group_by #23839)
  • Fix the issue that the result of index join in correlated subqueries is wrong #25799

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