github phusion/passenger release-6.0.0
Release 6.0.0

latest releases: release-6.0.22, release-6.0.21, release-6.0.20...
5 years ago
  • Introduces support for all programming languages. Yes that's right... Java, Elixir, Go — Passenger now supports them all! This effort is called "generic language support".

  • Bumps the preferred Nginx version to 1.15.7.

  • Introduces anonymous usage telemetry, which helps us improve Passenger. Please read the docs on what data is collected and how to disable this.

  • [Nginx] Introduces a new option "passenger_request_buffering on|off", to allow disabling request body buffering. This is only supported in Nginx >= 1.15.3. Closes GH-2121.

  • Updated various library versions used in precompiled binaries (used for e.g. gem installs):

    • OpenSSL: 1.0.2q (was: 1.0.2p)
    • libcurl: 7.62.0 (was: 7.61.1)
    • Ruby: 2.3.8 (was: 2.3.7)

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