github phpipam/phpipam v1.3.1

latest releases: v1.6.0, v1.5.2, v1.5.1...
6 years ago
New features:
+ Circuits module (circuits, providers, map, ...) (#731);

Enhancements, changes:
+ Racks:
    + Automatic location assignment when device added to rack (#1230);
    + Rack map showing map of all racks in location;
    + Rack back side;
+ Compact menu layout (per-user setting, showing only icons);
+ Network to network static nat;
+ Selectable logo size (from config.php) (#952);
+ Added default option for permissions propagations (#1351);
+ API:
    + Added Circuits controller;
    + Encrypyted requests can now also be form-encoded (#1191);
    + Introduce mcrypt AES compatibility (#1516);
    + Fixed field ip not displayed when filters applied (#1529);
+ New resolve hostnames option for subnet (#1222):
    + Updates hostnames via pingCheck.php script (if parameter set for subnet);
    + Updates hostnames via resolveIPaddresses.php script (if parameter set for subnet);
    + On-the-fly empty hostname update if resolved (if parameter set for subnet and enabled globally);
    + Added this infor to tools > scanned networks;
+ Added custom_ prefix to custom field names to avoid duplication with custom fields (#1387);
+ Added option to hide IP requests for unauthenticated users on login page (#1394);
+ Performance optimizations for locations and subnet usage calculation;
+ Added user groups custom fields;

+ French translation updated to verson 1.3;
+ German translation updated to verson 1.3;

+ Fixed RACK images not displayed if not root location (#1204);
+ Fixed import gateway ip (#1240);
+ Fixed JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE for PHP 5.3 (#1135, #1245);
+ Rename class Thread to PingThread to avoid naming conflict with pthreads Thread class (#1254);
+ Fixed custom fields integer on subnet (#1266);
+ Fixed Import Ip-adress doesnt update location (#1284);
+ Fixed json_error for logo upload (#1256);
+ Fixed CSRF error when moving orphaned addresses (#1303);
+ Fixed VRF fetching via API by Id;
+ Fixed map issues when quotes are in name/description (#1384);
+ Fixed item not removed from NAT when deleted (#1378);
+ Fixed Error when error_reporting = E_ALL about strict standards when importing IP addresses (#1372);
+ Fixed Apostrophe errors in text custom fields (#1375);
+ Fixed API error when creating address under folder (#1507);
+ Fixed SNMPv3 (#1119);

Security Fixes:
+ Fixed XSS issues (#1403, #1521, #1500);

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