2.6.1 (2023-03-17)
Bug Fixes
- add missing IAM permissions for runners from encrypted AMI (#3049) (e0819f6)
- allow the instances to send metrics (#3067) (55c40ff)
- packer defintions missing required metadatatag for start script (9c1fa8a)
- runners: bump aws-sdk from 2.1329.0 to 2.1337.0 in /modules/runners/lambdas/runners (#3072) (0e80518)
- runners: increase the log level to WARN when using the enable_job_queued_check parameter (#3046) (1de73bf)
- syncer: bump axios from 1.3.3 to 1.3.4 in /modules/runner-binaries-syncer/lambdas/runner-binaries-syncer (#3059) (fa06b30)
- webhook: bump @aws-sdk/client-sqs from 3.279.0 to 3.293.0 in /modules/webhook/lambdas/webhook (#3074) (5de5464)
- webhook: bump @aws-sdk/client-ssm from 3.282.0 to 3.290.0 in /modules/webhook/lambdas/webhook (#3058) (f626c6d)