2.2.0 (2023-02-10)
Bug Fixes
- Add missing entry for AWS-recommended price-capacity-optimized strategy to ProcessEnv interface (9b8f88b)
- Adds InsufficientInstanceCapacity to list of scaling errors (4eb3b16)
- multi-runner: Create DLQ only if requested (#2903) (3d33744)
- multi-runner: Missing ami_id_ssm_parameter_name parameter from multi-runner #2883 (#2911) (19138d9)
- runner: Adds InsufficientInstanceCapacity to list of scaling errors (#2926) (4eb3b16)
- runners: Add missing entry for AWS-recommended price-capacity-optimized strategy to ProcessEnv interface (#2921) (9b8f88b)
- runners: Bump @octokit/types from 8.0.0 to 9.0.0 in /modules/runners/lambdas/runners (#2910) (abdc3ac)
- runners: Bump cron-parser from 4.7.0 to 4.7.1 in /modules/runners/lambdas/runners (#2893) (fd2dc78)
- syncer: bump aws-sdk from 2.1290.0 to 2.1312.0 in /modules/runner-binaries-syncer/lambdas/runner-binaries-syncer (#2940) (8d1b281)
- webhook: Bump @octokit/webhooks from 10.4.0 to 10.7.0 in /modules/webhook/lambdas/webhook (#2907) (d9ab310)