github MoOx/phenomic 0.7.0

latest releases: v1.0.0, v1.0.0-beta.11, v1.0.0-beta.10...
8 years ago

Lot's of changes in the boilerplate (scripts/*).
You should better watch the default boilerplate and grab most of it, then add
back your original modifications.
This changes have been introduced for the better. Pages are now pre-rendered
during development and static build should be faster than before.

  • Removed: collection.json file does not exist anymore. The collection is
    now inlined in generated html pages, even during development so we can use and
    access the collection directly and it avoid a server/client request.
  • Removed: All injected constantes like __DEV__ and __PROD__ have been
    replaced by process.env.* call to make code more universal.
    (eg: if (__DEV__) => if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production")).
  • Changed: remove mkdirp in favor of fs-extra
  • Changed: logs are now handled by debug
  • Changed: Move opinionated deps to optionalPeerDependencies
  • Changed: the static build does not require a 3 steps process anymore. No more
    statinamic-static.js script.
    Every webpack transformations are now handled via
    to avoid the old painful/slow process.
    See boilerplate changes (look for BABEL_ENV=statinamic and babel
    configuration in package.json and in webpack client config).
  • Changed: collection is now passed in the React
    not in the store anymore.
  • Changed: pageComponents are now called layouts.
    All references should be renamed accordingly. See boilerplate changes.
  • Changed: defaultComponent prop of PageContainer is now
  • Changed: layouts are now passed in the React context, not in the store
    anymore. So you need to pass them in the client script now (see boilerplate
  • Changed: react-router has been upgraded to v2.0.0
  • Changed: redux as been upgraded to v4.x.
  • Fixed: Dev server now redirects pages without trailing slash
    (eg: You call http://.../some/thing; will redirect to
  • Added: the entire configuration is now inspected so you do not provide
    unexpected types or unrecognized configuration values.
  • Added: assets option to add static assets such as images, video
  • Added: statinamic section in package.json can be used to define core
    options like CNAME.
  • Added: CNAME option to generate a CNAME file according to your
  • Added: nojekyll option to create .nojekyll file.
  • Added: verbose option to create get more informations during development.
  • Added: devHost and devPort options so you can choose your url during
  • Added: Development server now generate pre-rendered pages on the fly.
  • Added: Allow to pass extra middlewares and store enhancers to redux store


Lot's of change due to how static generation is handled without a 3 steps

  • Removed: boilerplate scripts/index-static.js (and so
  • Changed: shorter start and build script
  • Changed: web_modules/app/store.js don't have references to
    pageComponents nor collection.
  • Changed: boilerplate web_modules/app/layouts.js =>
  • Changed: boilerplate web_modules/Page/ => web_modules/layouts/Page/
  • Changed: boilerplate web_modules/PageError/ =>
  • Changed: boilerplate Layout wrapper is now called LayoutContainer
  • Changed: boilerplate static npm script has been renamed as build to
    make the build step easier to find.
  • Changed: webpack entries now use hashed name by default
  • Added: boilerplate includes cssnext instead 2 PostCSS
  • Added: boilerplate includes stylelint and
    lint CSS with a standard configuration.
  • Added: boilerplate now support a new field from markdown files to specify the
    <title> tag without affecting the body page title (<h1>)
    (See Writing section of the documentation for more information).

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