github phalcon/cphalcon v5.0.0alpha7

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2 years ago


  • Changes to the Phalcon\Acl:
    • Renamed Phalcon\Acl\ComponentAware to Phalcon\Acl\ComponentAwareInterface
    • Renamed Phalcon\Acl\RoleAware to Phalcon\Acl\RoleAwareInterface #15691
  • Changed require to require_once in Phalcon\Loader to avoid conflicts with other loaders #15489
  • Changed require to require_once in Phalcon\Cli\Console and Phalcon\Mvc\Application for a bit of extra performance #15489
  • Phalcon\Collection has been moved under the Support namespace:
    • Renamed Phalcon\Collection to Phalcon\Support\Collection
    • Renamed Phalcon\Collection\Exception to Phalcon\Support\Collection\Exception
    • Renamed Phalcon\Collection\ReadOnly to Phalcon\Support\Collection\ReadOnly
    • Renamed Phalcon\Collection to Phalcon\Support\Collection #15700
  • Changes to Phalcon\Session\Bag:
    • Changed Phalcon\Session\Bag::construct to accept a container instead of internally calling the default
    • Changed Phalcon\Session\Bag::construct to throw an exception if the container is not specified
    • Changed Phalcon\Session\Bag::init to store the data in the session #15494
  • Changed Phalcon\Events\Event::construct() to allow source to be nullable #15133
  • Changes to Phalcon\Crypt
    • Moved Phalcon\Crypt\Exception to Phalcon\Crypt\Exception\Exception
    • Moved Phalcon\Crypt\Mismatch to Phalcon\Crypt\Exception\Mismatch
    • Changed the ccm/gcm modes to store the authTag with the encryption string and process it with the decryption string #15717
  • Created new namespace Phalcon\Encryption
    • Moved Phalcon\Crypt to Phalcon\Encryption\Crypt
    • Moved Phalcon\Security to Phalcon\Encryption\Security
    • Moved the whole Security namespace under Encryption
      • Security\JWT\Exceptions\UnsupportedAlgorithmException to Encryption\Security\JWT\Exceptions\UnsupportedAlgorithmException
      • Security\JWT\Exceptions\ValidatorException to Encryption\Security\JWT\Exceptions\ValidatorException
      • Security\JWT\Signer\AbstractSigner to Encryption\Security\JWT\Signer\AbstractSigner
      • Security\JWT\Signer\Hmac to Encryption\Security\JWT\Signer\Hmac
      • Security\JWT\Signer\None to Encryption\Security\JWT\Signer\None
      • Security\JWT\Signer\SignerInterface to Encryption\Security\JWT\Signer\SignerInterface
      • Security\JWT\Token\AbstractItem to Encryption\Security\JWT\Token\AbstractItem
      • Security\JWT\Token\Enum to Encryption\Security\JWT\Token\Enum
      • Security\JWT\Token\Item to Encryption\Security\JWT\Token\Item
      • Security\JWT\Token\Parser to Encryption\Security\JWT\Token\Parser
      • Security\JWT\Token\Signature to Encryption\Security\JWT\Token\Signature
      • Security\JWT\Token\Token to Encryption\Security\JWT\Token\Token
      • Security\JWT\Builder to Encryption\Security\JWT\Builder
      • Security\JWT\Validator to Encryption\Security\JWT\Validator
      • Security\JWT\Validator to Encryption\Security\JWT\Validator
      • Security\Exception to Encryption\Security\Exception
      • Security\Random to Encryption\Security\Random #15729
  • Renamed
    • Phalcon\Crypt\Crypt::getHashAlgo() to Phalcon\Crypt\Crypt::getHashAlgorithm()
    • Phalcon\Crypt\Crypt::getAvailableHashAlgos() to Phalcon\Crypt\Crypt::getAvailableHashAlgorithms()
    • Phalcon\Crypt\Crypt::setHashAlgo() to Phalcon\Crypt\Crypt::setHashAlgorithm() #15717
  • Renamed Phalcon\Factory\AdapterFactory::getAdapters() to Phalcon\Factory\AdapterFactory::getServices() #15717
  • Changed Phalcon\Crypt\Crypt::__construct() to have useSigning set to true by default #15717
  • Changes to Phalcon\Config
    • Moved Phalcon\Config to Phalcon\Config\Config
    • Changed Phalcon\Config\Config::path by making the delimiter parameter a string
    • Changed Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Ini::__construct to not accept null as the mode. The default is now INI_SCANNER_NORMAL (2)
    • Refactored the code for more efficiency and speed #15720
  • Changed Phalcon\Db\Adapter\AdapterInterface::getInternalHandler() and Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\AbstractPdo::getInternalHandler() to return var instead of \PDO for custom adapters with different engines #15119
  • Moved Phalcon\Filter to Phalcon\Filter\Filter; added more tests #15726
  • Changed Phalcon\Mvc\Model::getPreparedQuery() to return QueryInterface instead of Query #15562
  • Moved Phalcon\Cache to Phalcon\Cache\Cache #15728
  • Changed Phalcon\Factory\AdapterFactory to define the factory exception in getExceptionClass() instead of a property. #15728
  • Renamed Phalcon\Db\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::getSqlVariables() to Phalcon\Db\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::getSQLVariables() to align with the rest of the getSQL* methods #15637
  • Moved Phalcon\Logger to Phalcon\Logger\Logger #15727
  • Changes to Phalcon\Escaper
    • Moved Phalcon\Escaper to Phalcon\Html\Escaper
    • Moved Phalcon\Escaper\EscaperInterface to Phalcon\Html\Escaper\EscaperInterface
    • Moved Phalcon\Escaper\Exception to Phalcon\Html\Escaper\Exception
    • Deprecated methods (to be removed at a future version)
      • escapeCss() becomes css()
      • escapeJs(), becomes js()
      • escapeHtml() becomes html()
      • escapeHtmlAttr() becomes attributes()
      • escapeUrl() becomes url()
      • setHtmlQuoteType() becomes setFlags() #15757
  • Changed Phalcon\Encryption\Security::hash() to also use password_hash() and accept ARGON2* algorithms #15731
  • Removed uncamelize of realClassName in Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route::getRoutePaths() if definition is string to make processing same as if array definition #15067
  • Changed Phalcon\Validation::getValue() behavior to get value from data if not found in entity. #14203
  • Changed Phalcon\Forms\Form::isValid() signature: added whitelist argument. #14203
  • Changed Phalcon\Support\Collection\ReadOnly to Phalcon\Support\Collection\ReadOnlyCollection to avoid conflicts with the read-only feature in PHP 8.1 #15767
  • Removed Phalcon\Text - replaced by Phalcon\Support\Helper\Str\* #15776
  • Removed Phalcon\Helper\Arr - replaced by Phalcon\Support\Helper\Arr\* #15776
  • Removed Phalcon\Helper\File - replaced by Phalcon\Support\Helper\File\* #15776
  • Removed Phalcon\Helper\Json - replaced by Phalcon\Support\Helper\Json\* #15776
  • Removed Phalcon\Helper\Number - replaced by Phalcon\Support\Helper\Number\* #15776
  • Removed Phalcon\Helper\Str - replaced by Phalcon\Support\Helper\Str\* #15776
  • Removed references to Phalcon\Text, Phacon\Helper\* from the code replacing it with Phalcon\Support\Helper\* #15776
  • Synchronized tests with phalcon/phalcon thus increasing coverage #15776
  • Changed Phalcon\Assets\Manager to require a Phalcon\Html\TagFactory in its constructor #15776


  • Added more tests in the suite for additional code coverage #15691
  • Added Phalcon\Events\AbstractEventsAware class to handle the Events Manager when necessary #15691
  • Added Phalcon\Acl\Adapter\AdapterInterface::getInheritedRoles() and Phalcon\Acl\Adapter\Memory::getInheritedRoles() that returns the inherited roles based on a passed role name (or all if no parameter supplied) #15154
  • Changes to Phalcon\Crypt
    • Added Phalcon\Crypt\Padding\PadInteface and padding adapters
      • Phalcon\Crypt\Padding\Ansi
      • Phalcon\Crypt\Padding\Iso10126
      • Phalcon\Crypt\Padding\IsoIek
      • Phalcon\Crypt\Padding\Noop
      • Phalcon\Crypt\Padding\PadInterface
      • Phalcon\Crypt\Padding\Pkcs7
      • Phalcon\Crypt\Padding\Space
      • Phalcon\Crypt\Padding\Zero
    • Added Phalcon\Crypt\PadFactory to easily create padding adapters
    • Added more tests increasing coverage #15717
  • Added Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\*::setForever() and Phalcon\Storage\Adapter\*::setForever() to allow storing a key forever #15485
  • Added Phalcon\Encryption\Security::getHashInformation() to return information for a hash #15731
  • Added constants Phalcon\Encryption\Security::CRYPT_ARGON2I and Phalcon\Encryption\Security::CRYPT_ARGON2ID #15731
  • Added allowEmpty checks to common validators #15515
  • Added Phalcon\Forms\Form::getFilteredValue() to get filtered value without providing entity #15438
  • Added Phalcon\Forms\Form::setWhitelist() and Phalcon\Forms\Form::getWhitelist() #14203
  • Added dirtyState serialization in Phalcon\Mvc\Model #15571
  • Added short versions of helpers for Phalcon\Html\TagFactory (call service as a method) #15776
  • Added short versions of helpers for Phalcon\Support\HelperFactory (call service as a method) #15776
  • Added Phalcon\Html\Helper\Doctype helper for doctype generation #15776
  • Added style or link tag option for Phalcon\Html\Helper\Style #15776


  • Fixed Query::getExpression() return type #15553
  • Fixed Phalcon\Mvc\Model::getRelated() to correctly return relationships (cached or not) when the foreign key has changed #15649
  • Fixed Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\*, Phalcon\Mvc\Model and Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Annotations to treat BIGINT numbers as string #15632
  • Fixed Phalcon\Crypt\Crypt::decrypt() to correctly calculate the hash when using signed mode #15717
  • Fixed Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager::isVisibleModelProperty() to correctly check if setting property is visible #15276
  • Fixed Phalcon\Config\Config::merge to retain numeric indexes in deep merges #14705
  • Fixed globals (Zephir change) to correctly display string values for global settings in phpinfo() #15269
  • Fixed Phalcon\Storage\Adapter\Redis::getAdapter() and Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\Redis::getAdapter() to accept the connection timeout in the constructor options #15744
  • Fixed Phalcon\Db\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::getSQLVariables() to return an empty array when initialized #15637
  • Fixed Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\* and Phalcon\Storage\Adapter\* to delete a key when set() is called with a zero or negative TTL #15485
  • Fixed Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql to not use PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES and PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES by default. This allows numbers to be returned with resultsets instead of strings for numeric fields #15361
  • Fixed Phalcon\Validation\Validator\File to use messageFileEmpty #14928
  • Fixed Phalcon\Db\RawValue usage bugs in Phalcon\Mvc\Model::doLowUpdate() #15413
  • Fixed type attribute for stylesheet links #15776
  • Fixed Phalcon\Debug to not throw an exception if a URL service is not present #15381


  • Removed Phalcon\Kernel - obsolete #15776

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