github pgstef/check_pgbackrest REL2_2
check_pgbackrest 2.2

latest releases: REL2_4, REL2_3
3 years ago

2021-12-06 - Version 2.2


  • The retention service will check if any error was detected during the backup (reported since pgBackRest 2.36).
  • Add nagios_strict output format to filter out unsupported types of values from performance data. (Reported by netphantm and Adrien Nayrat)
  • Support uncompressed files in the archives service. (Suggested by Jean-Philippe Guérard)
  • Add retention-diff and retention-incr options in the retention service. (Contributed by devopstales).
  • Add retention-age-to-oldest option in the retention service. (Suggested by Hendrik Schöffmann)

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