github pglombardo/PasswordPusher v1.51.0
v1.51.0: API Update & Cleanup

latest releases: v1.51.4, v1.51.3, v1.51.2...
8 days ago

πŸ“ What’s Changed

This release updates and cleans up the API code. The API itself hasn't changed although some clients may need minor updates if they were relying on non-standard behavior.

Authorization: "Bearer <token>" is now the preferred method of authentication. X-User-* headers are still supported indefinitely for v1 of the API. The eventual APIv2 will likely support Bearer token only.

If something breaks, it's likely due to one of the following:

  • All API requests must be made to .json endpoints. (e.g. /p.json and NOT /p)
  • Unauthorized requests will now return a 401 Unauthorized status code without a response body.
  • Anonymous calls are still supported and unchanged.
  • Bad credentials will now return a 401 Unauthorized. Previously, the API would act anonymously and end up confusing countless victims.
  • The API now enforces JSON format for all requests and request body.

Read more in #3068.

See Also:

πŸš€ Features

  • API: Add Authorization Bearer Token Support; Breakout & Update API (#3068) @pglombardo

⬆️ Dependencies updates

πŸ‘₯ List of contributors

@dependabot[bot], @pglombardo and dependabot[bot]

πŸ›₯️ Docker Images

Available on Docker Hub:

πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ Run This Version

docker run -d -p 5100:5100 pglombardo/pwpush:1.50.19

..and go to http://localhost:5100

πŸ”— Useful Links

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