github pglombardo/PasswordPusher v1.50.11
v1.50.11: Docker: Disable arm64 arch temporarily

18 hours ago

☝️ ARM64 Docker builds

📝 What’s Changed

The tools for building arm64 Docker containers via QEMU are experiencing issues. To avoid halting the release process, arm64 support is being temporarily dropped.

For those that need arm64 support, use v1.50.6 or earlier for the time being. I will monitor the bug fixes and will re-activate when possible.

For bug/investigation discussion, see #3037

👥 List of contributors


🛥️ Docker Images

Available on Docker Hub:

🏃‍♂️ Run This Version

docker run -d -p 5100:5100 pglombardo/pwpush:1.50.8

..and go to http://localhost:5100

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