github pgcentralfoundation/pgrx v0.6.1

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23 months ago

Welcome to pgx v0.6.1. This is a minor release that fixes a few safety/crashing bugs along with fixing up the --profile argument to cargo pgx.

What's Changed

cleanup cargo-pgx handling of the --profile argument by @eeeebbbbrrrr in #908

v0.6.0 introduced the --profile argument. While it works for any of the targets such as run, test, install, it was primary intended for cargo pgx package so that a specific, "more optimized" release profile could be used. It of course, didn't work and caused cargo to raise an error about conflicting arguments. It now works as expected.

Ensuring owned memory context is not current when dropping it (extension) by @yrashk in #922

@yrashk found a bug that would crash Postgres when Rust drops a PgMemoryContexts::Owned that was also set as the pg_sys::CurrentMemoryContext.

Note that this introduces a minor API breakage as the function PgMemoryContexts::set_as_current() now takes &mut self instead of &self.

Handle panics in PgMemoryContexts::switch_to by @yrashk in #920

@yrashk found another bug that would crash Postgres if a panic occurred while inside a PgMemoryContexts::switch_to(|| ... ) closure.

#[pg_guard] can now be applied to generic functions by @yrashk in #918

Additionally, pgx will emit a compiler error if you try to attach both #[pg_guard] and #[no_mangle] to the same extern "C" function which is generic over anything but a lifetime.

Once again, thanks @yrashk!

Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.6.1

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