github pgcentralfoundation/pgrx v0.12.0-alpha.1

latest release: v0.11.4
pre-releaseone month ago

Welcome to pgrx 0.12.0-alpha.1!

Say the magic words with me!

cargo install cargo-pgrx --locked --version 0.12.0-alpha.1

Breaking Changes

No more dlopen!

Perhaps the most exciting change this round is @usamoi's contribution in #1468 which means that we no longer perform a dlopen in order to generate the schema. The cost, such as it is, is that your pgrx extensions now require a src/bin/, which will be used to generate the schema. This has much less cross-platform issues and will enable supporting things like cargo binstall down the line.

It may be a bit touchy on first-time setup for transitioning older repos. If necessary, you may have to directly add a src/bin/ and add the following code (which should be the only code in the file, though you can add comments if you like?):


Your Cargo.toml will also want to update its crate-type key for the library:

crate-type = ["cdylib", "lib"]

Library Code

  • pgrx-pg-sys will now use ManuallyDropUnion thanks to @NotGyro in #1547
  • Due to other uses of that name, ErrorReport::report is now unwrap_or_report! #1568
  • VARHDRSZ consts are no longer fn, thanks to @workingjubilee in #1584
  • We no longer have Interval::is_finite since #1594
  • We translate more *_tree_walker functions to the same signature their *_impl version in Postgres 16 has: #1596
  • Thanks to @eeeebbbbrrrr in #1591 we no longer have the pg_sql_graph_magic!() macro, which should help with more things in the future!

What's New

We have quite a lot of useful additions to our API:

  • SpiClient::prepare_mut was added thanks to @XeniaLu in #1275
  • @usamoi also contributed bindings subscripting code in #1562
  • For #[pg_test], you have been able to use #[should_panic(expected = "string")] to anticipate a panic that contains that string in that test. For various reasons, #[pg_test(error = "string")] is much the same. Now, you can also use #[pg_test(expected = "string")], in the hopes that is easier to stumble across, as of #1570

Result<composite_type!("..."), E> support

  • In #1560 @NotGyro contributed support for using Result<composite_type!("Name"), E>, as a case that had not been handled before.

Significantly expanded docs

Thanks to @rjuju, @NotGyro, and @workingjubilee, we now have significantly expanded docs for cargo-pgrx and pgrx in general. Some of these are in the API docs on or the READMEs, but there's also a guide, now! It's not currently published, but is available as an mdbook in the repo.

Some diagnostic information that is also arguably documentation, like comments and the suggestion to cargo install, have also been improved, thanks to @workingjubilee in


An experimental macro for a CREATE CAST was contributed by @xwkuang5 in #1445!

Legal Stuff

Thanks to @the-kenny in #1490 and @workingjubilee in #1504, it was brought to our attention that some dependencies had unusual legal requirements. So we fixed this with CI! We now check our code included into pgrx-using binaries is MIT/Apache 2.0 licensed, as is common across, using cargo deny!. The build tools will have more flexible legal requirements (partly due to the use of Mozilla Public License code in rustls).

Internal Changes

Many internal cleanups were done thanks to

In particular:

  • we now actually pfree our Arrays we detoasted as-of #1571
  • creating a RawArray is now low-overhead due to #1587

Soundness Fixes

We had a number of soundness issues uncovered or have added more tests to catch them.

Less Deps

Part of the cleanup by @workingjubilee was reducing the number of deps we compile:

  • cargo-pgrx: reduce trivial dep usages in #1499
  • Update 2 syn in #1557

Hopefully it will reduce compile time and disk usage!

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.12.0-alpha.0...v0.12.0-alpha.1

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