github pgcentralfoundation/pgrx v0.0.9

latest releases: v0.11.4, v0.12.0-alpha.1, v0.12.0-alpha.0...
3 years ago

This is pgx v0.0.9. It is a bugfix and new feature release. Primarily, it brings support for safely creating Postgres Background Workers.

New Features

  • PRs #5 & #26: Background worker support. See pgx-examples/bgworker for an example.

    • There's also a new flag named --bgworker to cargo pgx new <extname> to automatically create a template Background Worker extension crate
    • Thanks @jamessewell!
  • Issue #23: #[pg_extern] functions can now return Rust tuples, which translate into an UDF that RETURNS TABLE (..., ...).

  • Issue #28: #[pg_operator] macro now exists, which works exactly like #[pg_extern], but will auto generate the CREATE OPERATOR DDL for you. This is useful when defining operators for custom data types. See pgx-examples/operators.

  • PR #27: cargo pgx init now honors http proxy settings from your environment. Thanks @diegopy!

  • PR #30: cargo pgx start <PGVER> now specifies the "unix_socket_directories" when starting Postgres, which is simply ~/.pgx/. Thanks @jamessewell!

Other Changes/Fixes

  • Properly detoast arrays. This was a regression from v0.0.8
  • Add a FromDatum implementation for pgx::Numeric
  • Add ability to create a pgx::PgTupleDesc from a composite pgx::pg_sys::Datum
  • Add a --release flag to cargo pgx run for interactively testing a release build of your extension
  • cargo pgx run spawns psql using execvp(), which means it'll properly handle, among other things, ^C
  • Ensure SPI_finish() always gets called, even in the face of errors/panics
  • Fix PgTryResult::unwrap_or()/unwrap_or_else() to call Postgres' FlushErrorState()
  • Make GitHubActions build much faster

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Thanks to all y'all that have been using pgx, reporting issues, and especially submitting pull requests.

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