Changes for 2.3.0
- New Signatures:
- pgr_TSP
- pgr_aStar
- New Functions:
- pgr_eucledianTSP
- New Proposed functions
- pgr_dijkstraCostMatrix
- pgr_withPointsCostMatrix
- pgr_maxFlowPushRelabel
- pgr_maxFlowEdmondsKarp
- pgr_maxFlowBoykovKolmogorov
- pgr_maximumCardinalityMatching
- pgr_edgeDisjointPaths
- pgr_contractGraph
- Deprecated Signatures
- pgr_tsp - use pgr_TSP or pgr_eucledianTSP instead
- pgr_astar - use pgr_aStar instead
- Deprecated functions
- pgr_flip_edges
- pgr_vidsToDmatrix
- pgr_pointsToDMatrix
- pgr_textToPoints
- Read the documentation of this release at
- To see the full list of changes check the list of Git commits on Github.
- To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues on Github.