github persepolisdm/persepolis 3.1.0
Persepolis Download Manager 3.1.0

latest releases: 4.2.0, 4.1.0, 4.0.1...
6 years ago

We are happy to announce the release of Persepolis Download Manager 3.1.0 .
In this Version we have some good new features!
1- You can download from Youtube and ... with persepolis video finder!
Question: How?
Answer: Read this.
Special thanks to @chitholian

2- We add Persian and chinese and french language translation to persepolis!
It's experimental now! Go to preferences window for changing language.
Question: How can I translate persepolis to my language?
Answer: Read this
Special thanks to translation team

3- Many reported bugs are fixed!. Thanks to all bug reportes!
4 - You can select multiple download items with highlighting them by mouse or control key and ... . No need to check any checkbox :)

Thanks to contributors for pull requests and bug reports!

AliReza AmirSamimi

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