github pelican-dev/panel v1.0.0-beta2

latest releases: v1.0.0-beta17, v1.0.0-beta16, v1.0.0-beta15...
9 months ago

v1.0.0-beta2 Released!

Welcome to the second beta... a few things have been addressed and fixed, but some issues still exist... They're listed below...

Known Issues! - Things that need to be addressed

~ Unable to change a server's current egg
~ Unable to add allocations on the edit server page
~ All Keys do not tell you what which key is client vs application.
~ Unable to upload an updated version of an egg.
~ New Profile Page, 2FA not finished.
~ New Profile Page, Creating API Keys only shows you the identifier, not the full key.


~ Server -> Admin View now works.
~ Saving of database host passwords
~ Edit server page properly displays docker image
~ Egg variable validation rules on the edit server page.
~ Creating a new user without a password properly sends the new user email.
~ Panel name can be changed by editing APP_NAME in the .env


~ Advanced Node Settings
~ Allow editing allocation alias/ip after creation on the edit node page
~ Added Node ID/UUID, and Egg ID/UUID to edit pages
~ Edit Egg page shows a list of servers currently assigned that egg
~ Edit Database Host shows a list of databases on that host and its connection details.


~ Moved Save buttons to the top right, Note: CTRL+S / CMD+S work
~ Changed oom_disabled to oom_killer so logic doesn't have to flip it.
~ Changed GB/MB to match everything else of MiB/GiB
~ Updated Create Node page to reflect the newly added Advanced settings.
~ Removed dashboard overview, badges moved to the sidebar

Merged PRs

Full Changelog: v1.0.0-beta1...v1.0.0-beta2

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