github peak/s5cmd v2.3.0

18 hours ago


v2.3.0 - 16 Dec 2024

Breaking changes



  • Upgraded alpine base image to 3.18. (#661) @embik
  • Upgraded aws-sdk-go to v1.44.298. (#684) @matan129
  • Upgraded lanrat/extsort to v1.0.2 (#717) @gkowarzyk
  • Changed signaling channels by replacing chan bool with chan struct{} for efficiency. (#733)


  • Fixed the cp command to work with the --content-type flag when performing a copy operation from S3 to S3. (#738)
  • Fixed a bug in sync command where objects in Glacier storage at the destination were being overwritten during synchronization (#712) @stevenmcastano
  • Fixed a bug in sync command where source objects with absolute paths failed to match destination paths, causing unnecessary copying during each sync operation.(#676) @bounlu

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