github pdfminer/pdfminer.six 20231228

latest release: 20240706
14 months ago


  • Output converter for the hOCR format (#651)
  • Font name aliases for Arial, Courier New and Times New Roman (#790)
  • Documentation on why special characters can sometimes not be extracted (#829)
  • Storing Bezier path and dashing style of line in LTCurve (#801)


  • Broken CI/CD pipeline by setting upper version limit for black, mypy, pip and setuptools (#921)
  • flake8 failures (#921)
  • ValueError when bmp images with 1 bit channel are decoded (#773)
  • ValueError when trying to decrypt empty metadata values (#766)
  • Sphinx errors during building of documentation (#760)
  • TypeError when getting default width of font (#720)
  • Installing typing-extensions on Python 3.6 and 3.7 (#775)
  • TypeError in when parsing null characters (#768)
  • Color "convenience operators" now (per spec) also set color space (#794)
  • ValueError when extracting images, due to breaking changes in Pillow (#827)
  • Small typo's and issues in the documentation (#828)
  • Ignore non-Unicode cmaps in TrueType fonts (#806)


  • Using non-hardcoded version string and setuptools-git-versioning to enable installation from source and building on Python 3.12 (#922)


  • Usage of if __name__ == "__main__" where it was only intended for testing purposes (#756)


  • Support for Python 3.6 and 3.7 because they are end-of-life (#923)

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