github patrick-kidger/jaxtyping v0.3.0
jaxtyping v0.3.0

20 hours ago


(Very mildly) breaking changes

  • Previously we arranged it such that jaxtyping annotations were a subclass of their array type, e.g. Float[Array, "foo"] was a subclass of Array. This ran into various issues with un-subclass-able types, metaclass conflicts, etc. Correspondingly this subclassing has been removed.
  • @jaxtyped-decorated dataclasses now check the arguments to their __init__ methods, rather than checking their attributes after initialisation. (This better handles some edge-cases with dataclass extensions where fields are allowed to have converters for their type.)


  • More efficient @jaxtyped decoration (Thanks @hawkinsp! #311)
  • Better pretty-printed representations for PyTree.
  • Prettier documentation :)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.2.38...v0.3.0

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