github pathwaycom/pathway v0.7.3

latest releases: v0.17.0, v0.16.4, v0.16.3...
14 months ago


  • A method weekday has been added to the dt namespace, that can be called on column expressions containing datetime data. This method returns an integer that represents the day of the week.
  • EXPERIMENTAL: Methods show and plot on Tables, providing visualizations of data using HoloViz Panel.
  • Added support for instance parameter to groupby, join, windowby and temporal join methods.
  • pw.PersistenceMode.UDF_CACHING persistence mode enabling automatic caching of AsyncTransformer invocations.


  • Methods round and floor on columns with datetimes now accept duration argument to be a string.
  • pw.debug.compute_and_print and pw.debug.compute_and_print_update_stream have a new argument n_rows that limits the number of rows printed.
  • pw.debug.table_to_pandas has a new argument include_id (by default True). If set to False, creates a new index for the Pandas DataFrame, rather than using the keys of the Pathway Table.
  • windowby function shard argument is now deprecated and instance should be used.
  • Special column name _pw_shard is now deprecated, and _pw_instance should be used.
  • pw.ReplayMode now can be accessed as pw.PersistenceMode, while the SPEEDRUN and REALTIME variants are now accessible as SPEEDRUN_REPLAY and REALTIME_REPLAY.
  • EXPERIMENTAL: has a new argument with_metadata (by default False). If set to True, adds a _metadata column containing file metadata to the resulting table.
  • Methods get_nearest_items and get_nearest_items_asof_now of KNNIndex allow to specify k (number of returned elements) separately in each query.

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