github pathwaycom/pathway v0.4.0

latest releases: v0.19.0, v0.18.0, v0.17.0...
17 months ago


  • Support for JSON data format, including pw.Json type.
  • Methods as_int(), as_float(), as_str(), as_bool() to convert values from Json.


  • Method get() and [] to support accessing elements in Jsons.
  • Function pw.assert_table_has_schema for writing asserts checking, whether given table has the same schema as the one that is given as an argument.
  • BREAKING: ix and ix_ref operations are now standalone transformations of pw.Table into pw.Table. Most of the usages remain the same, but sometimes user needs to provide a context (when e.g. using them inside join or groupby operations). ix and ix_ref are temporarily broken inside temporal joins.


  • Fixed a bug where new-style optional types (e.g. int | None) were translated to Any dtype.

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