github pathwaycom/pathway v0.21.0

latest release: v0.21.1
9 days ago


  • All Pathway types can now be serialized to CSV using and deserialized back using
  • now parses null-values in data when it can be done unambiguously.


  • BREAKING: Updated endpoints in pw.xpacks.llm.question_answering.BaseRAGQuestionAnswerer:
    • Deprecated: /v1/pw_list_documents, /v1/pw_ai_answer
    • New: /v2/list_documents, /v2/answer
  • RAG methods under the pw.xpacks.llm.question_answering.RAGClient are re-named, and they now use the new endpoints. Old methods are deprecated and will be removed in the future.
    • pw_ai_summary -> summarize
    • pw_ai_answer -> answer
    • pw_list_documents -> list_documents
  • When creates a table, it also stores its metadata in the columns of the created Delta table. This metadata can be used by Pathway when reading the table with if no schema is specified.
  • The schema parameter is now optional for If the table was created by Pathway and the schema was not specified by user, it is read from the table metadata.
  • now aligns the output metadata with the existing table's metadata, preserving any custom metadata in the sink.
  • BREAKING: The Bytes type is now serialized and deserialized with base64 encoding and decoding when the CSV format is used.
  • BREAKING: The Duration type is now serialized and deserialized as a number of nanoseconds when the CSV format is used.
  • BREAKING: The tuple and np.ndarray types are now serialized and deserialized as their JSON representations when the CSV format is used.


  • now correctly escapes quote characters.

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