github pathwaycom/pathway v0.11.0

latest releases: v0.19.0, v0.18.0, v0.17.0...
9 months ago


  • Embedders in the LLM xpack now have method get_embedding_dimension that returns number of dimension used by the chosen embedder.
  • pathway.stdlib.indexing.nearest_neighbors, with implementations of pathway.stdlib.indexing.data_index.InnerIndex based on k-NN via LSH (implemented in Pathway), and k-NN provided by USearch library.
  • pathway.stdlib.indexing.vector_document_index, with a few predefined instances of pathway.stdlib.indexing.data_index.DataIndex.
  • pathway.stdlib.indexing.bm25, with implementations of pathway.stdlib.indexing.data_index.InnerIndex based on BM25 index provided by Tantivy.
  • pathway.stdlib.indexing.full_text_document_index, with a predefined instance of pathway.stdlib.indexing.data_index.DataIndex.
  • Introduced the reranker module under llm.xpacks. Includes few re-ranking strategies and utility functions for RAG applications.


  • BREAKING: windowby generates IDs of produced rows differently than in the previous version.
  • BREAKING: prints printable non-ascii characters as regular text, not \u{xxxx}.
  • BREAKING: Connector methods,,,,,,, now check the type of the input data. Previously it was not checked if the provided format was "json"/"jsonlines". If the data is inconsistent with the provided schema, the row is skipped and the error message is emitted.
  • BREAKING: query and query_as_of_now methods of pathway.stdlib.indexing.data_index.DataIndex now return pathway.JoinResult, to allow resolving column name conflicts (between columns in the table with queries and table with index data).
  • BREAKING: DataIndex methods query and query_as_of_now now return score in a column named _pw_index_reply_score (defined as _SCORE variable in


  • BREAKING: pathway.stdlib.indexing.data_index.VectorDocumentIndex class, some predefined instances are now meant to be obtained via methods provided in pathway.stdlib.indexing.vector_document_index.
  • BREAKING: with_distances parameter of query and query_as_of_now methods in pathway.stdlib.indexing.data_index.DataIndex. Instead of 'distance', we now operate with a more general term 'score' (higher = better). For distance based indices score is usually defined as negative distance. Score is now always included in the answer, as long as underlying index returns something that indicates quality of a match.

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